
this. is definately a blogging moment.....


amidy gave me this goonies link.
anyone who watched this movie as many fucking times as i did will appreciate their quest to find locations from the goonies movie.
watch their 15 min movie, it put together pretty well.


ya know. how cool would it be to have somebody monitor your arguments with your significant other.
not to place blame on whos arguments dont really measure up, but to be there to figure out what the real deal is.
that would be most helpful.


the other thing darwin does well is spell out the inter-relatedness of species.
for instance how the number of cats in an area effects the number of flowers in that same area.
more cats = less mice = more bees (apparently mice go after honey) = more pollination.
now maybe this has been stated before, but hes just showing the infinate amount of variables that can attribute to circumstances that can account for the flora in an area, and therefore the fauna that follow it.
maybe this is all rhedementary, but seeing it spelled out is somewhat more stimulating than hearing it from a stupid prof.
so as some of you might know i'm reading darwin's origin of species for the helluvit.
although i'm only about a fourth through it, theres a lotta shit that they dont tell you in school.
they just keep throwin "natural selection" you way.
but he alludes to the shit that mendel did years later with his pea plants, where he shows passage of alleles through generations.
darwin spoke about it, but only by observation of domesticated animals. he states that progeny might not have the same physical characteristics as the parents, but the grandchildren somehow miraculously will.
heh. life before genetics, he also surmised that the embryo is in such a plastic state that it can be easily molded and changed, hence mutations. i guess if you look at that at the DNA level, its kinda true.

but anyway. the reason darwin decided to name it "natural selection" was just to separate it from the power that man has had over influencing choice in domestic breeding. but in reading his shit he explains how, although the main influence of natural selection on a species is climate and predation/food, there are variables such as sexual selection. i guess you could maybe get this out of "survival of the fittest" (which i have yet to see those words, only stuggle for existence) you could get this sexual selection. but what darwin states is that in most cases the woman gender has the choice of mate, whether it is by a victor in a battle of males or from appearance or ability of males. so if a male has bigger horns, or prettier feathers, he might have a better chance than even those better adapted to its environment, such as, well, maybe a monkey with a cool prehensile tail, but being the ugliest fucker out there. but i guess that could leave to his survival and the female only choice to be poked by this guy, but i guess it all depends on circumstance. but i think his point was that if the male phenotype differs dramatically from the females, its probably due to this sexual selection phenomenon.

but anyway, my offer is that natural survival isnt only , although highly determined by nature, but also social aspects. so couldnt environmental selection be a more better way of explaining this natural/social power? i guess darwin couldnt opt for that back in the day cuz their word for environment was "country" so that woulda been very confusing to have "country selection".

he wrote a shitload about domestication. domestication of cattle, goats, sheep, pigeons, &c. (took me a while to figure out that that was etc.) but it got me to realize that domestication is homogeny, and i forget the term that everyone uses for what hitler tried to pull, but he was just trying to domesticate the german people. sounds kinda funny, but true. no wonder people were pissed. cuz he had the power to choose for certain traits. maybe people would have been more happy if he had gone about it like dogs. selecting and continuing anything that physically stuck out, rather than like cattle where they all just end up looking the same. poop. i dont really have a point to why i mentioned that. i just liked the idea of domesticating people funny. cuz people get pissed when they dont have the power. my bad.


10:07, 11:58, 1:06, 1:18, 1:42.
it won't stop.
i need to get outta here.
jesus christ.
thats the other thing.
ive recently been reunited with ryan... the gay dude that miraculously was able to step on his OWN finger while dancing at halloween....
i havent talked to him since, maybe thanksgivingish. but i just saw him tuesday, helped him move some crap to his new place.
but ok. so i did ask him when he wasn't working next, and yeah, i did tell him i'd be around, but GODFUCKINGDAMMIT hes called at 10, noon, and 1. what the fuck. give it some time. if im not around, i'll maybe get your message, if i'm not up, i'll maybe get to you. if i'm apprehensive at talking to you, CALLING EVERY HOUR WON'T HELP A DAMN BIT.

its like somebodys trying to tell me something, cuz i know when i like people, i'm a bit smothering. so now i'm getting it back, but with a dude. how appropriate.. theres no way in hell i'm going to like this guy.

and ya know. hes going to turn me off even more so to the gay community if he keeps this shit up.
and i know its bad to have my view of gay people rest on one person's actions, but when its all i know,
there aint much else to base it off of.

so goddamn, give it a rest, man.
10 o'clock? i wasnt even home!
i got "shit to do" today.
yeah. call me out. whatever.
but have you ever thought you gotten rid of somebody only to have them come crawling back months later?
shit. ....i've done that.
karma. hating you now.
i've been wanting to blog lately, but for a while my internet was down... and no one else's.
so i just took the hub (that po used to use) out of the equation, and that made everything better.

but i wanted to blog about shit like finishing school, and having that dude push me into on-coming traffic nonchalantly, but now...
those things have kinda lost their potency in my mind, even though i just mentioned them now.

what is there to talk about then?
its kinda weird how closeness changes over time.
people used to be over here all the time.
people used to read my blog.
now... different situations, less closeness.
but whatever. i'm being vague for a reason.
i dont like to mention names.

anyway. i take that back. it was weird that matt now reads my blog and lea doesn't.
thats what i was oddly getting at.

what else.
oh. so i have a shitload of time on my hands.
usually when thats the case, like back in the day when i was busy with freds, i'd clean my room.
but although i said i was going to do that soon after school was done, i dont feel the motivation.
i dont know if its cuz its all outta the way and in a corner, or if im only really in this room to use the computer and really live over at megs.
meh. its just clothes. maybe i'll get to it. who knows.

i also, thanks to air's grandma-ma (RIP) got a new big-ass sherry-glass (ok, so i dont know what type of alcohol its meant for, but its the kind with the stubby stem connected to a fatty bowl, like chimay (RIP), if any of you knew him from halloween.
anyway. gunna put my two remaining fish (RIP you other two that i never named) in there. but yeah. gotta get off the ol' ass to do that.
i think i have purified water here, so thats a start.

so yeah. i think my brain is about drained of issues for now.
ah. one more thing.
we're goin hiking this sunday.
up in the cascades somewhere (barclay if i remember right). anyone can come.
just show up here with all your shit sunday morning.
we'll figure it out from there.
its only a day hike, so no worries.
few miles in, few miles out.


ok. sorority chic.
....point taken.
oh yeah.
i remember this about my sorority visit last night.
the chic who's house it was for some reason randomly said
gosh. i feel so old, i'm older than both of you.

so i say
well, how old are you?


the other chic goes
i'll be 21 on sunday.

so i says
hm. well i'm 22.

to which the first chic says
ok, so maybe i'm not older.

even with the thick scruff i got growin on my face people think i'm 20 or younger, fer real?
i successfully cut my shit to do list in half.
better than i had expected.

now all i have to do is revise a paper, do a paper, and take two finals.
then i'll be ass-sitting (or maybe job-finding) for nearly two weeks!

alright yall. have a good weekend.
i'll be busy here.


so. my directions to the sorority are: the brick house with the white pillars.
um. yeah. thats every other one.
luckily i prodded her for the address before leaving.

i get there right behind this chic who's also going in.
she gives me a funny look as we both stand at the door.
im like ___________ lives here, doesn't she?
so she leaves the door open for me.

CHIX EVERYWHERE. and one dude cleanin up after them or something.
but i guess they just had a "crazy dinner thing" and they were blaring what i think was the grease soundtrack.
chix going in every direction. and what a huge fucking house.
they pack in (quite easily from the looks of it) 100 chix.
the bottom floor was like both stories of our house combined. and i dont even think i saw the whole thing.
all the chix passing by were giving me weird looks. i dont know if its cuz theyre not used to random boys in their house,
or my unshaven appearance isnt something they enjoy or are used to.
whatever. i just looked back.

now im at odegard (i know theres double vowels in there somewhere, we'll cover the bases: oodeegaard) waiting for meg to get home.
hurry up!
its boring at school.
school night life is weird.
im not really scared of being here, but walking around in the dark is just weird.
theres not many people, and those you dont pass dont think anything of it.
to me, its a whole new environment.

i got my paper and speech done in two hrs.
thats quite the feat. and i think my speech is hella longer than it needs to be.
thats what im finding out lately.
since when did teachers get all lazy?
my anthro prof is putting such low limits on lengths of writings.
its like he wants less than 500 words (two pages) when i could go on for like 2 more pages.
we did hella research and we're supposed to fit the research and how we came about this research in less than 500 words?
i dont really know how to do that too effectively.
my bad.
good lord.
i have to go to a sorority house tonight for a school project.
first time ever.

the other thing thats crazy is that i did a speech and a 2 page paper in about 2 hrs.


holy crap!
i just realized i could be done with school by the end of fall next year!
or if i take summer classes, by the end of summer!


damn. one day its winter, the next everything's bloomin.

speaking of bursting to life, take a look at this classic pic.

ok fine. shitty transition. DEAL.


a little addition to my rant about creationism vs. evolution that i posted a few days ago:

something i forgot to mention was that this dude said that it would have been possible for adam and eve to pop out children with 6 different skin tones that represent those apparent on the earth today in ONE generation, and that he has "almost done it himself in three generations".

well first off, guy. you are east indian, and your wife is whitey, so you are already taking pre-existing tones and mixing them to make your many varieties.
and i dont know if youre willing to accept genetic drift, but how often have you seen an african couple pop out some chinese kid?

now i don't know how you became to be a scientist with a Ph. D. in biology, and still think that things that aren't apparent on the earth today explain the past.
that's just dumb.
how much did they pay you?


woke up today and pulled off my sock before getting in the shower.
but i guess somehow a staple had made its way into my sock overnight(?)
anyway. pulling on the sock evoked the staple action that is to puncture whatever its pushed against.
so now i have a fucking hole in my toe.

random other topic:
everyone always talks about genetics determining selection (which i dont doubt),
but how much might behavior affect this.....or is behavior genetic.
ya know, like those pigeons who are braver around people will do better cuz they'll most likely get more food in the cities.
or monkeys who are more brave might die cuz their dumbass cant actually get to that branch thats just out of reach.

but i guess that a miniscule determinate (or is it?) compared to genetics.


so i was flipping through channels last night after meg had zonked out.
i, quite contrary to the norm, landed on the jesus channel, channel 20.
but just for the moment that i was on it, it sparked my interest.
what they were going to do was show their point of view on the creation vs. evolution debate.
(so you can see why i was intriguied, what would they have to say)
so anyway. here is an account of what i remember:

the host starts of the program with a few charts. on this chart it shows the skull of neandertal man, and cro-magnon man.
he says that these people of the past had a larger brain capacity than today's humans 1550 - 1600 cc respectively vs. modern humans' 1450.
he jests that today's humans may not be as evolved as we thought, seeing the size of the other past relatives of man.

ok. first of all. cro-magnon is one specimen. how can you determine everything from one specimen? (remember i said one specimen).
secondly. neandertals have a very immature vocal structure compared to modern humans which probably greatly affected their ability to form sounds;
something of that comporable to an infant's. so "more evolved"? just because the opportunity for a bigger brain is there, doesn't mean it can be effectively used.
i don't even know where he was going with that point.

next, he brings in a man who used to work for boston U as a biologist, ph D. written several books, etc.
once took the point of evolution, but was brought to jesus by a friend, so now lets see what he has to say about his old teachings.
hes written a child's book (i hope that wasn't counted as one of the 5) that is titled skeletons in your closet.
in looking at each closet, one notices that "for human beings, their pedigree is purely that, human."

now come his greatest points:
dr. parker (the guest) whips out a tooth. back in the day, probably one scientist claimed on that tooth alone (ballsy fucker) that that tooth belonged to some pre-man species. well, come to find out, more teeth and a jaw bone from where that tooth came was found. and what was thought to be "kentucky man" was acutally a fossilized tooth of a pig.

now.. clearly this false find truely discredits any possiblility of there ever being anything other than man in man's lineage. because one specimen falsely identified of course debunks every other work out there.
mmmhm. oh yeah. moving on.

next. they presented the case of "lucy". ya know, that old bitch that seems to be one of man's ancestors. well. scientists once placed her as being fully erect. but after later examinations, it was found that lucy couldn't have walked fully erect.

so clearly this once again proves that evolutionary scientists have no idea what theyre talking about.
or. maybe thats why they gave it the name australopithecine? because it wasn't fully erect....
not quite homo. you dont see them naming it homo erectus now, do ya?

then they go onto say that fossilized footsteps found in tanzania dating to around 2 million years ago are infact human and not from any such pre-human entity.
well, say what you want, but they coincide with the dates of those australopithecines.
what they took from that was that "human beings predated humans' ancestors."

i don't know what lucy's feet looked like. but i guess you can make any bold claim you want without backing it up.
cuz we all know that's real science....or something.

so they continue. they bring out dr. parker's wife. she's a paleontologist who does her work in florida somewhere.
she brought in fossils of a giant sloth's claw. which was giant. about the size of my forearm.
she brought in a fossil of a mastadon and mammoth tooth.
she also brought in two corpolites, "which those of us who are biblical, would call it dung. and those of us who are children, might refer to is as doo-doo."

well, thank you dr. parker, but i dont really see how bringing in pieces of shit of sloths and sharks will really show that theres no way that humans evolved from something that isn't human.

maybe next time you'll bring in some data that will go against some real scientific evidence, rather than something like the tooth of "kentucky man" where every scientist in the world, even the worst ones, like you, agree that this one specimen has nothing to do with human evolution.

i bid you, good day.


ok. so what i am learning is that i am capable of getting jobs outside of grocery stores (if ive gotten anything out of this scuba shop opening),
but the deal is that i have to put a lot more effort into something i want.

this whole getting fired thing is a huge strike against me.
for some reason i have a problem with telling people when they do ask about my previous jobs.
fuck fred.
but at least they freed me.