

Here's the addendum to the last post. This came out of nowhere more than a week later (6/29 to 7/8).

JZ: I had to interject here. Hey Travis Shitburger?? I like how you didn't want to inbox me with your number... Good call. You'd be up way past your bedtime little boy. Just because you "think" you know some of the Bible, doesn't mean you've read the whole thing. Inbox me with your number, if you are a man......

TS: Hey, man! How's it going? 

It's good to hear from you. Although I see it took you over a week to come up with Shitburger. That's pretty good, but I've known 8 year olds who could do that on the spot. 

Ya know, I thought about giving you my number, but after the previous post where we discussed our thoughts and you had to have your big brother delete it, I didn't think you were much in the mood to talk any more. If you'd like, we can rehash things. Our comments are here: http://divechicken.blogspot.com/2013/06/doma-arigato.html

Remember, anything on the internet has the potential to stay on the internet. 

And I may have not read the Bible in its entirety, but I have read and studied quite a bit of it. I went to Christian private schools for 10 years including one year of college. So I'd say I know a decent amount about it. And one thing that I did learn in all those years is that Jesus doesn't really promote the kind of behavior that you're exhibiting here. But I think if he did, he'd probably try to come up with something with a little more of a zing than "Is it past your bedtime?", which, if you were curious, "no", is the answer to that.

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