
blogged earlier. but we all know bloggers a bitch.
for a few years i've held a theory that all religion is about is control over the main populous.
i mean, what better way to direct people than to use their fear of the unknown and their ultimate demise?
but in environmental anthro we're learning that people think this to be true even in small societies,
such as those still living somewhat solitarily in the rain forests around the world.
religions have evolved that place taboos or limitations on use of a certain resource, be it plant or animal.
this spiritual following has coevolved nicely with the means of conserving resources that might otherwise be overexploited.

so i'm not really saying that religion is bad, but i think that in existence now there are other establishments
such as centralized government, fish and wildlife services, etc that dont really necestiate the need to manipulate people w/o letting them whats going on with the use of some fictional supernatural being.

but i guess every system needs something to maintain its stability.


so i know the story of some saints, but im no catholic so i dont really care.
but this one chic is the patronage of a buncha shitty things.
bottom of the barrel here.

i also didnt know that they shared.
no wonder theres so damn many of them.


for my environmental anthropology class we have to post something online on something that somewhat resembles a forum.
i dont really like it, but i guess its an easy way to get ideas floating around outside of class. but anyway,
i'm reading them and some of these people have no idea how to spell, use commas or even construct sentences.
i mean on DEEZ NUTS forums, its alright to be as laxed as you want in punctuation and grammar, etc. some people might care. most wont.
but jesus christ, this is something for school. you'd think somebody who was put through high school and was accepted to college would know the difference between weather and whether or bye and buy. goddamn. i guess they just kinda rush people through school now. or the grading system is too damn easy or something.

but the hardest part about this is that on DEEZ NUTS i'd have no problem calling someone out (probably not for something as lame as a few misspelled words),
but on this i have to refrain. oh.... so.... hard....
people are stupid. thats alls i gotta say about that.
and dont even get me started on drivers.


in environmental anthro today i had the TA class (which i missed last week). the TA talked about how anthropologists/scientists are starting to look at ecosystems differently than in the past. they used to be seen as ever-present. hardly changing. but now they have found that where people used to live and have later abandoned the site, a new floral environment can take the place of the old one of which the previous inhabitants lived. so the question posed is, with this knowledge, how do we now define natural vs. artificial. meaning what do we see as human intervention, from buildings/urban sprawl to a changed ecology of a certain part of the world.
now this kinda seemed retarded to me, trying to break this into an either/or when what you've been pointing to is a co-evolution of plants with humans. wouldnt the excersize nullify itself because humans have some sort of an impact on everything it encounters? and if not, then nothing is as black and white as that. take the movie donnie darko. the bitch of a teacher tries to get donnie and his class to categorize everything into two polar categories: extreme adjectives. i cant remember if it was good vs. evil or happy vs. sad, but how can you place something like riding the bus into one of these?

as stated before it doesnt really matter if you categorize this coevolution into natural vs. artificial because everything since human presence has been a change. so natural would just be anything before humans started dotting the globe. so what importance is that if they've successfully circumscribed the whole damn thing?

a successful (fit) species has an effect on its surroundings by whatever manner its adaptations have allowed it to change its environment. the textbook example: light colored moths big pimpin in england. livin it up til BOOM industrial revolution and BAM only the darkies survive blending into the soot-ladden bark of the trees they choose to perch on. now i guess this could be considered artificial workings in a once natural environment, but how often could something like this occur to the point where no one knows who the fuck came first? well. thats why this shouldnt be how things are categorized. because everything is change and its irreversible, so quit trying to recreate a natural environment and develop a new way of thinking about it than in such a rather broad regards. because charting human interference means looking back 4 million years ago when many other factors (species) hadnt presented themselves yet, and many had already died out. and if you're interested in anything living, well good luck going back a couple billion years before the first amino acids begat the first proteins which in turn begat the first cells.

those are the dudes that fucked everything up.


today was one of the few days i wish i had a camera (digital).
meg and i went downtown and checked out pike place market and the surrounding area.
if manuel was around he woulda got some cool pix.

oh. and i also scored a hose. tomorrow bed drainage will commence.


as matt told me a while back, im only into mainstream music.
its true.
but what sux about it is that theres so many one-hit-wonders.
and when i want to find their songs. i dont know where to start.

but i finally found the one. its by the eels. i guess they have a few good songs.

schools going ok. the other day i totally forgot to go to a class though.
i was excited cuz i thought i was done with the day. but on tuesdays i have my middle class after my last one (the TA class).
i hate those. so i forgot to go. my bad. kinda sux though, cuz thats the class where we figure out what our group project is. and all the components for it (group partners, etc.)

my bed still leaks.
our garden hose we had sitting in the walkway downstairs for a while when the sink down there was fucked. apparently somebody (maybe even me) stepped on both of the ends so neither one will fasten to either the house or my bed.
no good.

had botany lab today.
i remember wank bitching about it.
i dont have much good to say about it either.
although today i did all my work quickly and tried to bust outta there.
the TA stopped me to check my work. dun showed it to her and got my ass out.
what a waste of time. if people paid more attention in high school, they wouldnt have to take this retarded class.
right now i have a radish seed in my pocket. its supposed to germinate.
wo0t. or something.
the lab told me i could show it off and impress my friends.
it also said that it needs your body warmth.
so you can either stick it in your pocket, or attach a string to the bag its in and wear it around your neck.
who the fuck wrote this shit?


my dad sent this to me.
but i dont know if i want to be making TVs or designer jeans.

Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6 a.m. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB. At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day, Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in.....AMERICA.....


theyre starting to tear up the ave on the north side of 45th now.
gives ya something to wake up to.
but it is kinda an easy walk to school with the road blocked and all.
they blocked off the south side again. no clue why.
so its pedestrians only again from 42nd to 45th and 45th to 47th.
i wonder how much traffic will back up when they close down that intersection.


i've had ideas of shit to blog about. but the time when i would want to write them, i'm over at megs, which doesnt really have easy internet access.
doh well.

we had a guest speaker in environmental anthro today.
he talked about how warming weather effected both large and small animals over the last 10,000 years or more.
hes telling about findings of mouse bones that owls had puked up into the back of a cave.
these were dated to about 11,300 years ago.
anyway. this is just a bit before the Pre-Clovis people were spilling into North America.
so what the fuck does puking owls have to do with humans.
the whole idea behind anthropology is human beings. its what it stands for in greek.
so what the hell is this guy telling me about mice in relation to the weather? wheres the humans?
not that i really mind. but stick to the topic at hand.
go teach your palentology elsewhere.
or make a fucking palentology class so i can take it.
there aint none at UW. bitches.

thats not what i really intended to blog about. my bad.

but what i do want to bitch about is my bed.
i guess now it is literally a water bed.
cuz not only is there water inside the bag, but theres some nice puddles outside of it too.
i patched up the hole a bit ago, and i think its holding, but i guess there was just a lot of water that escaped before i patched it up.
so... im sopping it with a towel and now my hands smell like moldy water.
hopefully there isnt another hole and my beds just a bit drained.

in other random news.
my sister visited over my moms bday. she borrowed the minivan and took it to a friends up on the north side of green lake.
someone jacked it.
it just showed up somewhere today. theyre en route to towing it back to kirkland. but i guess the ignition is fucked and its "undriveable".
way to go, dork!
but really. who steals a minivan?

theres some weird dude outside trimming our ivy. if he doesnt ask for money. i'm cool with it.
but thats the least of my worries. i have no job, and i have a two page paper written in spanish due tomorrow.
so i will thusly empezar ahora.


sometimes trying hard doesn't matter.
people just don't fully understand people.


oh man. i dont know about yesterday. woke up about 530 am-ish to blow chunks of what little pizza i had in me.
once that was done i drank some water.
5 mins later i threw up that water. now throwing up water has got to be the most harmless thing ever. i dont hurt that much.
but when you got dry heaves afterward, thats ass.
i continued this cycle with the water 2 more times.
then i thought maybe nothing in the stomach is better than water.
it was... well. at least i didnt puke anymore.

but the shitty thing about that was that the acetyl-anhydride was now just chillin in my body making me fell all shitty for most of the rest of that day.
i had nothing at all at either end to expel the toxin. so i ate and eventually that soaked all the bad shit up.
took forever and i felt like getting rid of that subway the same way it went in.
but i held onto it. and some 5 hours later i was doing fine.

those bitch beers do it to me everytime. i should stick to hard A.
(ha. some people thought it would be to stop drinking. stupids.)