
oh man. i dont know about yesterday. woke up about 530 am-ish to blow chunks of what little pizza i had in me.
once that was done i drank some water.
5 mins later i threw up that water. now throwing up water has got to be the most harmless thing ever. i dont hurt that much.
but when you got dry heaves afterward, thats ass.
i continued this cycle with the water 2 more times.
then i thought maybe nothing in the stomach is better than water.
it was... well. at least i didnt puke anymore.

but the shitty thing about that was that the acetyl-anhydride was now just chillin in my body making me fell all shitty for most of the rest of that day.
i had nothing at all at either end to expel the toxin. so i ate and eventually that soaked all the bad shit up.
took forever and i felt like getting rid of that subway the same way it went in.
but i held onto it. and some 5 hours later i was doing fine.

those bitch beers do it to me everytime. i should stick to hard A.
(ha. some people thought it would be to stop drinking. stupids.)


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