
i've had ideas of shit to blog about. but the time when i would want to write them, i'm over at megs, which doesnt really have easy internet access.
doh well.

we had a guest speaker in environmental anthro today.
he talked about how warming weather effected both large and small animals over the last 10,000 years or more.
hes telling about findings of mouse bones that owls had puked up into the back of a cave.
these were dated to about 11,300 years ago.
anyway. this is just a bit before the Pre-Clovis people were spilling into North America.
so what the fuck does puking owls have to do with humans.
the whole idea behind anthropology is human beings. its what it stands for in greek.
so what the hell is this guy telling me about mice in relation to the weather? wheres the humans?
not that i really mind. but stick to the topic at hand.
go teach your palentology elsewhere.
or make a fucking palentology class so i can take it.
there aint none at UW. bitches.

thats not what i really intended to blog about. my bad.

but what i do want to bitch about is my bed.
i guess now it is literally a water bed.
cuz not only is there water inside the bag, but theres some nice puddles outside of it too.
i patched up the hole a bit ago, and i think its holding, but i guess there was just a lot of water that escaped before i patched it up.
so... im sopping it with a towel and now my hands smell like moldy water.
hopefully there isnt another hole and my beds just a bit drained.

in other random news.
my sister visited over my moms bday. she borrowed the minivan and took it to a friends up on the north side of green lake.
someone jacked it.
it just showed up somewhere today. theyre en route to towing it back to kirkland. but i guess the ignition is fucked and its "undriveable".
way to go, dork!
but really. who steals a minivan?

theres some weird dude outside trimming our ivy. if he doesnt ask for money. i'm cool with it.
but thats the least of my worries. i have no job, and i have a two page paper written in spanish due tomorrow.
so i will thusly empezar ahora.


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