
as matt told me a while back, im only into mainstream music.
its true.
but what sux about it is that theres so many one-hit-wonders.
and when i want to find their songs. i dont know where to start.

but i finally found the one. its by the eels. i guess they have a few good songs.

schools going ok. the other day i totally forgot to go to a class though.
i was excited cuz i thought i was done with the day. but on tuesdays i have my middle class after my last one (the TA class).
i hate those. so i forgot to go. my bad. kinda sux though, cuz thats the class where we figure out what our group project is. and all the components for it (group partners, etc.)

my bed still leaks.
our garden hose we had sitting in the walkway downstairs for a while when the sink down there was fucked. apparently somebody (maybe even me) stepped on both of the ends so neither one will fasten to either the house or my bed.
no good.

had botany lab today.
i remember wank bitching about it.
i dont have much good to say about it either.
although today i did all my work quickly and tried to bust outta there.
the TA stopped me to check my work. dun showed it to her and got my ass out.
what a waste of time. if people paid more attention in high school, they wouldnt have to take this retarded class.
right now i have a radish seed in my pocket. its supposed to germinate.
wo0t. or something.
the lab told me i could show it off and impress my friends.
it also said that it needs your body warmth.
so you can either stick it in your pocket, or attach a string to the bag its in and wear it around your neck.
who the fuck wrote this shit?


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