
for my environmental anthropology class we have to post something online on something that somewhat resembles a forum.
i dont really like it, but i guess its an easy way to get ideas floating around outside of class. but anyway,
i'm reading them and some of these people have no idea how to spell, use commas or even construct sentences.
i mean on DEEZ NUTS forums, its alright to be as laxed as you want in punctuation and grammar, etc. some people might care. most wont.
but jesus christ, this is something for school. you'd think somebody who was put through high school and was accepted to college would know the difference between weather and whether or bye and buy. goddamn. i guess they just kinda rush people through school now. or the grading system is too damn easy or something.

but the hardest part about this is that on DEEZ NUTS i'd have no problem calling someone out (probably not for something as lame as a few misspelled words),
but on this i have to refrain. oh.... so.... hard....
people are stupid. thats alls i gotta say about that.
and dont even get me started on drivers.


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