
so as some of you might know i'm reading darwin's origin of species for the helluvit.
although i'm only about a fourth through it, theres a lotta shit that they dont tell you in school.
they just keep throwin "natural selection" you way.
but he alludes to the shit that mendel did years later with his pea plants, where he shows passage of alleles through generations.
darwin spoke about it, but only by observation of domesticated animals. he states that progeny might not have the same physical characteristics as the parents, but the grandchildren somehow miraculously will.
heh. life before genetics, he also surmised that the embryo is in such a plastic state that it can be easily molded and changed, hence mutations. i guess if you look at that at the DNA level, its kinda true.

but anyway. the reason darwin decided to name it "natural selection" was just to separate it from the power that man has had over influencing choice in domestic breeding. but in reading his shit he explains how, although the main influence of natural selection on a species is climate and predation/food, there are variables such as sexual selection. i guess you could maybe get this out of "survival of the fittest" (which i have yet to see those words, only stuggle for existence) you could get this sexual selection. but what darwin states is that in most cases the woman gender has the choice of mate, whether it is by a victor in a battle of males or from appearance or ability of males. so if a male has bigger horns, or prettier feathers, he might have a better chance than even those better adapted to its environment, such as, well, maybe a monkey with a cool prehensile tail, but being the ugliest fucker out there. but i guess that could leave to his survival and the female only choice to be poked by this guy, but i guess it all depends on circumstance. but i think his point was that if the male phenotype differs dramatically from the females, its probably due to this sexual selection phenomenon.

but anyway, my offer is that natural survival isnt only , although highly determined by nature, but also social aspects. so couldnt environmental selection be a more better way of explaining this natural/social power? i guess darwin couldnt opt for that back in the day cuz their word for environment was "country" so that woulda been very confusing to have "country selection".

he wrote a shitload about domestication. domestication of cattle, goats, sheep, pigeons, &c. (took me a while to figure out that that was etc.) but it got me to realize that domestication is homogeny, and i forget the term that everyone uses for what hitler tried to pull, but he was just trying to domesticate the german people. sounds kinda funny, but true. no wonder people were pissed. cuz he had the power to choose for certain traits. maybe people would have been more happy if he had gone about it like dogs. selecting and continuing anything that physically stuck out, rather than like cattle where they all just end up looking the same. poop. i dont really have a point to why i mentioned that. i just liked the idea of domesticating people funny. cuz people get pissed when they dont have the power. my bad.


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