
jesus christ.
thats the other thing.
ive recently been reunited with ryan... the gay dude that miraculously was able to step on his OWN finger while dancing at halloween....
i havent talked to him since, maybe thanksgivingish. but i just saw him tuesday, helped him move some crap to his new place.
but ok. so i did ask him when he wasn't working next, and yeah, i did tell him i'd be around, but GODFUCKINGDAMMIT hes called at 10, noon, and 1. what the fuck. give it some time. if im not around, i'll maybe get your message, if i'm not up, i'll maybe get to you. if i'm apprehensive at talking to you, CALLING EVERY HOUR WON'T HELP A DAMN BIT.

its like somebodys trying to tell me something, cuz i know when i like people, i'm a bit smothering. so now i'm getting it back, but with a dude. how appropriate.. theres no way in hell i'm going to like this guy.

and ya know. hes going to turn me off even more so to the gay community if he keeps this shit up.
and i know its bad to have my view of gay people rest on one person's actions, but when its all i know,
there aint much else to base it off of.

so goddamn, give it a rest, man.
10 o'clock? i wasnt even home!
i got "shit to do" today.
yeah. call me out. whatever.
but have you ever thought you gotten rid of somebody only to have them come crawling back months later?
shit. ....i've done that.
karma. hating you now.


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