
pledge of alligence never bothered me.
its just one of those things where you repeat it so much that it loses all meaning.

i need a job.
too much free time.
too little money.


school starts tomorrow.
i feel like im illprepared.
well. actually, i always am.
and i dont think i'll take this class too seriously, which is probably not such a good thing.
never done summer school.
never felt the need.
but... just one 3 credit class.
3 hrs a week.
im good to go.
empty backpack.
i dont even know if i have any pens/pencils.
im kinda bitter that i spent a lot of my life studying about the history of a culture that isnt even my own. i guess the stories are kinda cool. there can be some meaning behind the proverbs and parables,
but to immerse your whole way of life around it..... im kinda bitter.

what am i really trying to say....
i dont know... people just accept it because its popular, and pretty much imbedded in their culture.
but to see what that culture has done, and has become.... it sure doesnt seem to be anything.... great.

the only joy i get out of it now, is to notice allusions in everyday life toward this storybook.
art, writings, movies.... i recognize it and smirk.
its like when you get a joke that someone is telling, its really not that funny, but you understand it and let out a forced laugh just to allow others and yourself to be aware that you relate or understand.
whatever... i guess history's history.
but this is that kinda fictional fiction shit...
historical fiction, i guess is what its called.
...from way back in the day.

but theres nothing superspecial about this one. its not like other cultures dont also have the same stories,
its just that this one has been molded to somehow attract other cultures as a form of religion.
funny how it won out and branched.
powerful (smart) people knew how to manipulate it.
im sure you know the list... it goes on down through history.

alright. thats about all the boring shit i want to spew out about that subject right now.
im sure yall couldnt even handle that amount.

general statements get me in trouble, but...
i like blogger... it actually listens.
and for some reason, people pay more attention to the written word.
maybe because its fairly permanent therefore seemingly more important (?)


i think going to europe helped me realize just how much of a grapevine there is.
everyone hears about something about someone, possibly someone they hardly know,
or havent actually interacted with in years.
everyone keeps in touch somehow.....without actually seeing the person.

weird stuff.
....everyone asks me about my trip.
i always respond with a it was good, i really enjoyed it.
everyone always seems to expect me to continue with that, cuz that statement is followed with a pregnant pause,
but... if i went on and on about it, they would quickly bore with me.
its not really their fault, but if they arent living it, then its really no concern of theirs.
maybe if pictures are involved... that might be another story.
still gotta get that shit out.
...not that i havent had time, but i do have other things to worry about right now.........

im at home with my dad.
my mom and sister are across the country.
i bet its a whole different culture over there.
older traditions, ya know?

i mean, shit. those people in europe still shop at those nasty ass markets with their whole chickens and sliced up baby pigs all sold under the shadow of the town castle.

.... hard to break tradition.
used to serve a purpose.
now its just the way it is.

poop fart piss crap poop.
no one writes in their blogs anymore, but i bet theyre just lazy enough to read mine.
blah blah.

dont eat the butter.
its turned a bit green.

im getting into UW.
it just seems the way things should play out.
...what else is there to do?
get a shat job that i hate.
done it.
hopeful to do it again!!
i like my house.
i like my roommates.
i like my friends.
but traveling.... is enlightening.

whatever. im bored.
im done..
people.... bleh.


what happened to those days where you could feel good about doing NOTHING over spring break.
ive done nothing this whole week, and i feel guilty for it =/


well. megans gone.
and im here all alone.... i think.
i really have nothing to do either.
my choices are... looking for a job or wait another week
getting more poor and possibly not having a job lined up for me.

so im downloading NWA songs in the meantime.
and now i see why explicit lyrics stickers were first put on their CDs.


the weird thing about the party,
was not only seeing everyone that i hadnt in months,
but that even people that are solely acquaintances were asking me about europe.
i guess word gets around better than i thought.
or maybe those people would show up now and then and wonder where the fuck i was.
.....yeah right.


2 things.
found out that school starts on the 24th. a week later than i thought it did.
i thought it started after fathers day.

the other thing:
went to freds. asked about a job back.
my immediate old boss told me that the head boss had just left for vacation
(he was there the day before)
and that he would have to wait for him to come back to make the final decision.
this would be at the last week in june. the 28th or so.

so, the last time he did that to me, he sent me home after doing what i did, sed to call him.
like 4 days later when i finally got a hold of him on the phone. i was told i was fired.

so. its not lookin so good.
maybe i should be looking somewhere else.
so as not to waste 2 weeks with not even looking.
any ideas?
i got nothing.


in mail that i got hella ago but only got to read today,
i found that its for certain that if i take that stupidass 3 credit multicultural class this summer that i'll be done with shoreline.
although the letter sez that i'll be taking it in the spring.... typo? hopefully.

yay! no more com college!
and only two years behind everyone else. >=P
heh. everyone else who has to find a job now ;P
(shit. i have to find a job too)

ok. whatever. time for bed now.


i keep thinking i have shit to do before monday, but i cant think of anything.
im on a fairly regular schedule for being in this time zone, but at certain times of the day i get so damn tired.
i guess im not all good yet..
dead baby ducks.
... i kept telling megan that all the little ducks went over the waterfall and died (i know... ima nice boy)
but then we move down the river a little more, and a little one floats quickly by in the fast current.
belly up.
well... i was introduced to Yahoo messenger today.
i guess they have free webcam.
thats cool.
since my shit for dans site dont work.
....im sure he could easily figure it out though....
maybe when he gets home.
what to do today though..... job hunting? =P


i wonder if im already back on schedule.
waited to go to sleep til about 1 or 2 am,
but now im up at 7:30 am.

i dont got shit to do today.
although i gotta pack up all my stuff and get it from my parents to my house.
so until tonight... i got nothing.
its weird.
cuz even though i was on "vacation", there was always something to get up early for.
now... i got nothing.
and i spent all yesterday watching movies on the plane.
i got in 3 and a half.
what to do.
i know what meg'll be up to....


its been a while since i've been able to sit down at a computer with a seemingly infintite amount of time ahead of me to do whatever i please.
im not exactly sure i like it.
maybe i'll have to acquire that love for it again.
im sure it'll be easier once i have my own computer infront of me in my own home!
oh. just yesterday that seemed so far away.
and all i have to do is wait til tomorrow!

how was the trip, you ask?
although i packed more shit than i needed, and came home with less than i thought.
go fig.

really worlds waiting for me again.
maybe i can hold out til after the weekend is over.
yeh. i know... its monday =/

home safe.
excited to be here.
cant wait to get back to my own bed and shower.

i'll also have to make a special trip to see jack.
i know hes missed me.

hmm.... wonder how the roomies are doing....


i got my whole world..
in my blog,
just you and me, jesus...
in my blog.
got the whole world,
in my blog.
got the whole world in my bloggg....


has anyone every heard gaelic?
if you have, then, like manuel you will realize why that shit is fucked up.
also.... welsh.
ever seen that in writing?
here goes: nytilisheguilsehdge
something like that.
ive read that they have a placename thats the longest in the world
something like 28 letters.
dumb mother fuckers.
it makes no sense!
well. meg doesnt hate me.... so much,
and we are about ready to head home.
so what to say.

what have i learned?
well. begging is very common and pretty accepted, yet highly annoying.
from what i've seen at sites to museums,
it seems that each subsequent culture that flourished in its own time took something from the previous.
like: egypt. dun did their temples, columns, heiroglyphs, etc.
looks pretty similar to that of the older mesopotamia.
greece, which followed them, seemed to have their own style, but copy from them,
i mean even alexander the great went over there and ruled them for a while.
a mixture of the two styles was evident in his city, alexandria.
then, of course, the romans after the greeks. blah blah blah.
if you'd seen it all, youd know what i'm talking about.

also. the tiny size that europe is, it packs in a shitload of languages.
shit that i never knew exsisted, cuz no one really uses it but the inhabitants.
like flemmish in brussels, a sort of sloppy french... of some language over at the french/german border....
who knows what the hell thats called. .. think it starts with an a... or i (?)

the other thing.
fatty catedrals everywhere.
not to mention that while in egypt, it seems that those boys pretty much copied a lot of the stuff the catholics already had set up.
domes, towers, even the star symbol... they just put a crescent moon under it.
bleh. religion.
it builds on itself, fitting the needs of the people... or rather.. the needs of the people ruling the people.
also, there was talk of (not only in egypt) but in many cathedrals and paintings in museums about the "holy familys fleeing to egypt".
now.. go into the bible and try to find that shit.
it aint there.
they cut out all of big baby DEEZus's childhood.
all they got in there is how he pops out, taught some teachers when he was like 7, then it skips all the way to where he turns water into wine and homeboys like.... 30!
they probably cut that shit out, called it the apocratha, and discarded it cuz the europeans wanted nothing to do with the muslims or the idea of jesus being down there... probably some stupid shit like that.
or, that the stories in that whole period arent that.... enlightening or it doesnt really put jesus in the brightest light.
like the one story i heard where some dude pissed jesus off when he was a couple years old, so he killed all his crops... some shit like that.

bleh. biblical shit.
but. its what all the history revolves around over here.
that, and mythology.
but. the cool thing about coming here after a bit of education is that you can spot and identify a lot of what is going on in the paintings through stories of the gods, and God/Jesus, etc.

although, not being catholic, i have no fucking clue about all the goddamn saints they got goin up in there.
but i guess everyone one has something that identifies them.
like.. saint sebastian.
hes got arrows sticking out of him (hes everywhere!) ... i guess thats how he was martyred.
and john the baptist is holding a lamb... cuz he called jesus the lamb of god... things like that.
crosses, swords, houses... all sorts of icons.
i can see how it can get rediculous.
but i cant ever imagine how martin luther could have stood up to all that tradition.
he must have been one peeved man.
bleh. tradition.
people are too scared to break it.
thats why theres so many people out there that are partially religious, but still have no idea what its all about.

im sure no one wanted to hear about this shit from my return, but its what i've been looking at and pondering for the last 2 months.
i guess i could list out all the famous things that i did see.
but that could probably wait for some other time.
and we'll give yall a rest.
i hear no ones really writing in these bitches anymore anyway.
i wonder how much will have changed when i head home.
summer is approaching!!!!
i'll still have class =P
(only one though)

and.. this boy needs a job.
hopefully i'll get to be a slave to the man and freds will hire me back for the FOURTH time.
youre right.
ima rut kinda guy.
the last two months have been unsettling, but i think i had just started to get used to it.
although i dont think i really want to...
its rough.

later yall.
see yas on the 10th
(maybe the 11th if i crash at my parents place)
jet lags a bitch.

hows my room?