

damn this rigoberta shit is depressing.
in the beginning she talked about her oldest brother dying from exposure to chemicals in the plantations and her youngest brother dying from malnutrition.
but that's just the beginning.

her younger brother gets kidnapped and tortured in a way that makes shit from "Casino" look mild. Scalping, sole removal, rocks in eyes, enormous gashes, and finally burning.
the next chapter tells how her dad and fellow rebels were making a stand in the city and got burned to death in the Spanish embassy.
just finished that chapter and the next one is titled "death of rigoberta's mother". good shit.
i know she has at least one more sister. is she going down too?

oh and i have something to take back from previous posts. i labeled rigo and her people as commies, but i guess you could call them utilitarian. somehow i guess that's different.

other than that. i only wanted to add that i don't know if i mentioned the religion of the maya people who haven't been influenced by outsiders. what they do is follow what their ancestors did. "my grandpa said this, so we should do this as well".
it's just weird how people choose to govern themselves.


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