
happy new fuck

happy new fuck!

i guess that makes people feel a sense of urgency to post.

i do have something to post now, however.
reading more of that Rigoberta book, and found some interesting stuff on religion.
now, her and her family are all about Catholicism, but some passages in the book are kind of interesting on how she sees the religion.

she talks of the ladino's, who are the rich, white landowners and what they do to her people. here she's talking about the catholic priests:

"It's not to undervalue the good things they have taught us; but they also taught us to accept many things, to be passice, to be a dormant people."

hmm. is there a better way to control a group of people? have their religion tell them how they should act and what they should do...?

"Their religion told us that God is up there and that God has a kingdom for the poor."

no matter what kinda poverty they live in, heaven awaits them to end their eternal sorrow on earth.

she goes on to say how the world is a very confusing place to her because she has been out to the capital, to the city. her fellow villagers "ideas were very pure because they had never been outside of the community."

seeing what is outside of how her community lives helps her understand how the landowners and government were exploiting their labor for their personal gain.

she reiterates her point in the next chapter:

"Catholic Action too submitted us to tremendous oppression. It kept our people dormant while others took advantage of our passivity."

here, she realizes who her enemies are and this is where the shit goes down.
she starts to organize her people against the oppressors. she ends up uniting more than just her small community, but the other mayan around guatemala who have a similar culture but might have a different language.
what helped her unite was the more 'powerful' spanish language that helped her communicate with other indians and the outside world.
all before she was 23.


Blogger Nurse said...

wow. sounds pretty cool, yo. sounds like she was quite a person. yes, it is amazing what you learn from traveling outside of your community/culture. how it broadens your horizons...

12:00 PM  

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