
oh wait. found time.
these last few pictures might not be that interesting. be forewarned.

back to the deer in the dark...
dark or blurry? you get blurry.

here's that lower waterfall i was talking about in the previous post. since i don't know how to work with the light, the sun was at the shittiest point possible in the sky. just about set. this place is called painter's lookout, or something to that effect, but my pictures really don't do it justice.

so yeah. we finally left wyoming and got back into montana for a bit that eventually led us to idaho. i did a lot of sleeping at this point. idaho had some pretty river scenery, but i failed to capture it. the next pictures i took were at...
the dalles? shit. i don't remember what the city is called. but this is right on the idaho/washington border. ha! i just looked it up. on the idaho side (left of the river), you've got lewiston. and to the right, that's clarkston. shoulda known.

back in washington and we make our way to pullman where my great aunt and uncle live. my great uncle is a retired english professor at wazzu. they live damn near it. here's the view of washington state from their house. if you pull out a little further, you can see a little park with red trees. it's all native flora along with a rose garden. i walked around there with my great uncle. nice place, kinda warm though.

so my parents finished the drive home while i stayed the night with my granduncle and grandaunt so i could see wazzu while it was open on monday. i wasn't too successful, i only got to talk to one professor. although he was the one who i would most like to study under, he was a newb and couldn't answer many questions. it was kinda funny cuz i was walking around the anthro building and i recognized him from the pictures that they put on the professor's website. so i followed him into the cafeteria hoping to get up the balls to go talk to him. so i followed him to one part of the cafeteria, where he got a burrito, or something of the sort, he sat down, alone, chomped it down and threw away the garbage.
still, i didn't talk to him. but i kept following him. he got up, we to the other side of the cafeteria and got some pizza. he sat down and munched that down.
two-lunch kinda guy. i like it...

anyway. so i stayed the night and got up in the ass crack of the morning to head north to spokane, then west along 90 back to seattle. it was an ungodly 12 hrs.
i didn't take many pictures. i mostly slept or finished up "the davinci code".

this is the only picture i took the whole way back. the assed view from the entrance of the spokane bus station. those are stone pilons with inch thick steel cables connecting them. hell if i know what that's all about...

so here ends my trip. i could do the guatemala trip, but i'm sure all of you were bored off your ass with this one. however i did have more pictures taken on this trip than the guatemala trip. but that one is more exotic....

meh, whatever. i'm lazy, i might have to pass...
i only finished this one cuz i started it.

when a task is once begun....


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