
at the pool i played with the kids today.
some kickball, some dunking of the 60-lb little shits on a long pole.
everyone was happy.

finally got the gaul up to actually read at work again. its been a long while since i've even bothered. but i grabbed some Sierra mags. everytime i read those i get pissed. but i guess that's their ploy. to tell you what's wrong in the world, and how the government has facilitated it. concerning the environment, its really weird to call conservatives just that. their idea of how the economy should work is to develop. growth is their main concern. why the hell do you think they're anti-abortion?

but anyway, even though the bush administration has recently rescinded decades-old laws that will now allow roads to traverse once purposely roadless wildernesses, they are fed up about a company's intent to build wind-powered generators in cape cod simply because its within view of given upperclass getaway areas like martha's vineyard. here, they call it "national treasures" that shouldn't be touched, but strip mining and deforestation of areas under protection since the days of teddy roosevelt, that's good for the american people.

you ask, why don't they just build the windmills elsewhere? i guess on the east coast there's only 3 good locations that have ample wind and are shallow enough to harbor these wind-powered machines. they didn't say where the other two sites are, nor whether they were being protested against. it just tells how rich mother fuckers make a stink when it's their own backyard at stake...

did i mention that those windmills would give power to 3/4 of cape cod and dramatically lower carbon emissions compared to the plants now producing its power?
oh well. its all about who got da money.

i shoulda studied more environmental science.


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