
desk: complete
furnishings: near complete.

im just sitting back and taking it all in.
i had this guy come through my line today. he was maybe a couple years older than me.
what made him different from other regular customers was that he was in a smart cart... you know those things that you ride around in that go zero miles per hour, but still have to beep when backing up... and the other thing was that this guy didnt need it.
he admited to it.... but he told me it was the best time ever that he had in experiencing shopping. just kickin back and takin it all in. takin your time, crusin around. he thought everyone would be more lax about shopping if they had one of those fuckers. so he rolled up, swiped his card and putted on out the store. heh.

i got one of the nicest coolest comments today. this lady was like. "wow. youre so fast, they should have one of you in every line".
i thought that was a pretty good compliment.

so thats work. same ol same ol. bein quick, not takin time to stop and chat... thats not always the best. i need to fucking relax. yeah its a job, but whats it hurt to have a little fun with it? meh.
enough with the work =P

all these people in the store with girl/boyfriends. i doubt i could handle it, but yet i miss it.
i blog too much. i tell too much useless shit.
who reads this anymore anyway? other than the loyal few...

i want to travel. but im scared too. i dont want to miss out on things here. ive done that in the past.
but i dont want to travel by myself.
i was talking to my parents on fathers day. i brought up how i thought it was nice how there are visitors in the house when i come home from work, and they go on to tell me that when i was little i used to need to always have someone around. very dependent on other people's company. maybe thats a younger sibling syndrome. who knows?
but theres my fear of traveling alone, and shit, dare i bring it up once more... yes =P
with ashleigh, i kinda curbed all my other friends, so i needed her around constantly... but.. thats not her thing. conflict ensued.

fuck. i wasnt even going to write anything tonight. blogging makes me feel like i nag. like i put more and more out there, and its just like pushing more and more onto someone, and they dont really like it. i shouldnt care, but alas, im insecure. i care too much about what other people think. lack of confidence. why am i doing this?.........


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