
mkay. that shit was gay. my bad.

um. so dan was telling me i was cocky when chris brought up his opinion that foosball is pure luck.
yet he wont play me =P
but i sed yeah, maybe outta 50 people, one or two would beat me.
yeah. thats when dan called me out.
but the thing is. since leaving westmont, i cant remember losing.
even when kevin would come over and switched the rules on me.....
you take a shot evertime you score, and try can only play with one arm.
maybe i have lost. probably have.
but whatever. im just that damn good. hehe.
seriously. thats all i learned at westmont.
they wouldnt let us learn about these new things called girls =P
only on chapel days when they had just crammed purity into your conscience and are assured you would do no wrong =P
then tuesday and thursday came, and no NO nO NO. no girls at all.
hehe. they gave out work hrs if you got caught in the opposite sex's room during closed hrs. they would double everytime you got them. i think i got....63 =)
yet i got away with only doing 13 =D
so yeah. needless to say. foosball was life.
the traditional after dinner games! ah yes.
purity of old.


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