
hmm.. so my sister called. sed my parents had some things to tell me.

1)i was going to be supoeaned (sp?) for this civil trial dealing with this kid in the boy scouts over molestation or "bad touching" or something to that sort.
this kid thats being charged we called fruitcake back in high school. he became an eagle scout, but was the worst example of one. people joke that my parents did my project for me. which all my dad did was move it when i was off to college, so think what you will, but this kids dad did it all. so they were going to supoeana or whatever me today at 4:30, along with my dad, but i guess the two families settled. for what? we dont know. im just glad i dont have to deal with it. we always joked that this kid didnt go to philmont because he got pregnant (hehe) but actually, years later, we find out it was because of this. damn. we were pretty close to the truth.

2)einstein. our gray, soft cat hasnt been doing so well lately. hes lost a lot of weight. and when you pet him its just pointy bones jutting through. very sad. the doctors didnt know what was wrong. possibly IBS but thats treatable. i guess he didnt have that. so he went along, the past month or so losing an ounce or so a day... too bad thats like you or me losing a pound a day.
so i spent some quality time with him last night. good thing.
my parents sed that they took him in today to be put to sleep.
he was doing a "death purr" or something, so the doctors sed.
i dont know if i would have liked to be present, but with every animal that we've had put to sleep, ive always been away.
boo boo i was at summer camp. i think i was in college for bear. hmm.
its sad. theyre part of the family. its hard losing them, even if i hadnt seen them much lately..
but. as always, keep on going. i have to try to push it back and not think about it as im now off to work.
hope to see all you guys at the party when im finally done.
cheer me up some, eh?
school definately didnt.


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