
Church of Reality

The Church of Reality totally stole (or independently came up with, whatever) my way of thinking!

I called myself a futurist back in November.
Now they're using the same term, futurist, but defining it with religious jargon terminology.

That is totally not fair!
Now I feel like Darwin when Wallace was all,
"I have this cool idea, wanna hear?".
The Church of Reality totally needed to consult with me.

And now this church is legit as it is seen as a non-profit organization.

I suppose on that legal document they have a fat stamp that predates my blog post by two years. But still. I had that thought milling around in my head for the past few years. I've probably even blogged about it in the past, just not in quite those exact words labeling myself with that term. Futurist.

I suppose I should be grateful that there are others out there that think like me.

Looking at their site, it seems like they're using the mindset of religion and creating a tongue-in-cheek dogma. It's quite brilliant really. For example, see their views on the separation of church and state.

"In the Church of Reality it is a sin to fail to vote in an election."

They're bringing reality to religion. I never thought I'd see the day...


Blogger Kim said...

their website creeps me out.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Trav said...

That's exactly my point. They put common sense into religious terminology. It's rather clever, actually. It hints at the ridiculousness of religion while using their tactics against them.

I am under the inclination that these people don't actually believe what they're writing in the sense that it's a religion. They're just trying to standardize a common-sense way of life that most religious objectors already live.

It's the irony of it all, dammit!

4:34 PM  

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