
Guatemala: Day 6

This is the sixth day of my journal for the 2004 trip I took to Guatemala. This is a transcription from the notebook I took, but if there is any additional explanation necessary, I put that information in [brackets]. This is how it reads:

Today was more or less routine. We've somewhat gotten into a groove. Did our job, came home. Still trying to find a way to talk to Mayra. I got nothing, which sucks. Xan seems to do OK but it's probably to just talk about Brett with her. Talked to Diana more, she's cool. Also talked to Margarita who's kinda funny. I guess Anna got her laptop stolen, that blows. [She actually got it stolen at gunpoint while at the airport trying to leave Guatemala. It had most of the information on it that she needed for her thesis.] But I like talking to Diana because she has patience, and sometimes has the knowledge to figure out the word I'm looking for. I think I seek out people with brains... in the long run it gives you something to talk about. Tired tonight, but I think tomorrow's Friday.

Ho't (hought with a glottal stop in there) in Kachiquel means vamos, let's go.



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