

i've always given thought to what it's like being a hippie.
being a minimalist, taking life as it comes.
even the further stereotypes of being smelly, hairy, and always munching on granola.

i thought this was a thing of the past. but i actually met a guy in Homer, Alaska that somewhat fits that description. This guy has traveled around the nation with nothing but a duffle bag and a guitar. He goes from town to town occasionally settling enough to find a job that will support his needs and habits for a while, until the lifestyle nags and him and he decides to move on.

Could I finagle this? So far I've got the beard. I'm reluctant to say, but on the whole trip up I wore deoderant once (sorry Air), and we did have a stash of granola on hand at all times.
So I could handle that. But as for the minimalist approach, I thought I could do it.
But then I got to thinking. There are certain things I don't really want to live without.
These aren't really what your avereage person sees as necessary amenities, they're more 'toys' that I've grown to love.

First off: internet. email and knowledge at my fingertips is the best invention in the world. If I could have a PDA or other such device that I could carry with me and always recieve a signal, I'd be a happy man. Running water and a bed. Yeah, those are nice, but I thrive on the internet.
I could live without those other menial conveniences.
There are a few more things I'd shed a tear over if I had to up and leave them behind:
my camera and my scuba gear.
Combined they take me, and indirectly, a lot of other people to places that aren't well known.
As a hippie, I'm sure I'd see some great and unusual sights, and I would be sad if I couldn't share that with the world.

With those few exceptions/luxuries, and a few changes of clothes,
I think I could pack up and travel the world leaving everything else behind.
However, motivation and timing are other things to consider...


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