
popol wrap up

just to finish it, and i know no one really cares, so i'll run through it.
the twins adventure after naming all the Xibalban leaders continues when the two have to go to the Dark Room where they must return the torch and two cigars to the Xibalbans after the night is over.
this is how their fathers died. they smoked the cigars and counldn't return them the next morning, so they got dead.

anyway. to keep from burning up the torch, the twins use macaw feathers that look like fire to trick the guards. as for the cigars, they used metal that also mimiced fire. so when dawn came, the torch and cigars were whole.

next they played ball and the twins bet 4 bowls of petals if they lost.
after losing 2 of 3, the twins were told to get the flowers, but the Xibalbans guarded their garden. so the twins asked the ants to do the job for them, which they did and baffled the Xibalbans in the morning with the bowls full of flower petals.

the ants did this while the twins were staying the night in the Razor House. normal people would have died, but the twins guaranteed the blades animal flesh, so all the blades pointed themselves downward keeping the twins unharmed.

next was the Cold House, which the twins just shut out, so they didn't die. the cold just dissipated.

Next was the Jaguar House which was full of jaguars that didn't eat the twins because they threw bones at their feet.

next was the House of Fire where the twins were "toasted" and "simmered" but not burned. they survived yet another feat.

Finally they were put in the Bat House. these bats were mean. blade-like noses and shrieks that hurt the ear. the twins managed to pass the night there by hiding in their blowguns. just before dawn, Hunahpu stuck his head out to see if dawn had come. as he did, one of the snatch-bats took his head clean off!
well shit.

his brother Xbalanque ordered all animals to bring their foods to him. so he got a huge assortment of food. the coati brought a squash which Xbalanque attached to Hunahpu's body as a head. and all was good.

then the twins were again challenged to a ball game. however, the ball just happened to be Hunahpu's original head!
so they played for a while until they hit the ball far out of bounds. while they went looking for the ball, Xbalanque replaced Hunahpu's head and put the squash into play. it eventually burst with enough play, and for some reason that was a harsh blow to the Xibalbans.

so after all these trials. the Xibalbans called them back. they wanted to trick them to jump into their oven by jumping over some drinks. but the twins wouldn't be tricked by them and just jumped straight into the fire.

their bones and ashes were dumped into a river where they were reincarnated as catfish in 5 days. then they came back as people and lived as vagabonds. with this new lease on life they started doing tricks and became renowned for their magic. the Xibalbans summoned the twins, not knowing who they were, to entertain them.

so the twins danced and did some tricks. then they set the Xibalban's house on fire and after a while took away the fire, like nothing had happened.
next they sacrificed the Xibalban's dog and later brought it back to life.

but a dog wasn't enough. they had the twins sacrifice a person. they took out the victim's heart, held it up, showed it around, then replaced it and brought the man back to life.

Next the Xibalbans demanded that one of the twins be sacrificed. so Xbalanque took of Hunahpu's head and let it roll outside, then after the decapitation, he took out the heart and showed it around.
Xbalanque did a little jig. Hunahpu was all that animated... at all.
but Xbalanque eventually told Hunahpu to "get up" which he did, and all was good.

then One and Seven Death, the two head honchos of Xibalba, demanded that the twins sacrifice them. the twins did as they were told. but the victims weren't around to demand their revival, so they remained dead.
and thusly the twins owned Xibalba.
and it was decreed that Xibalba was no longer a major power and their decendants were small in number and were no longer paid homage.


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