

the new book i'm reading is Popol Vuh (poe-pole voo). it's basically the mayan bible. i'm reading it cuz rigoberta's book had many quotes pulled from it in the beginning of the chapters.

it tells the creation story. there were 4 gods that set out to create man.
what they wanted out of man was someone who could walk, talk, work, and worship the gods.

unfortunately, the gods blew their first couple of tries.
first off, they made people, but they couldn't really talk. all they could do was squawk, chatter, or howl. this blown creation's progeny came to be all the animals of the land.

second, the gods made people out of mud, but these sloppy motherfuckers couldn't do shit, let alone keep their shape. failed attempt number two.

third, the gods made people out of wood. these people did pretty well. they could walk, talk, and do work. but the woody bastards got lazy and didn't praise their makers, so the gods set a hurricane lose on them, along with a revolt from all their animals. the only survivors from this lot are the monkeys. (don't ask me how monkeys are wooden.)

finally, the gods made people like they are today: walking, talking, hard-working, god ass-kissers. all was good.

now all that was needed was the damn sunrise. but that's a different story. . .


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