
so now that i dont have anything to whine and bitch about, im scraping.
but once again, i revert to my o chem teacher... hes cool.
today hes telling us how water isnt actually a conductor of electricity, its all the ions in the water.
so if you scrub down your tub really well, and pour it full of pure water, you can hop on in, plug in the toaster, toss it in with you, and
theoretically, you'll be fine =)
and i had always wondered, but he sed that you'd be fine if yer in the ocean when lightning strikes, cuz even though salt water is a damn good conductor, the oceans just so damn big, that the charge just easily disperses. thats what i thought, but i always wondered.

what else? fuck. i think ive talked to calen via email in the last couple of days that i have in any other point in our lifetimes.. heh.
im all out. i want to do something today, im bored.
oh, and btw, i like random visitors, i know some people might not, so again, my bad.
but i know i didnt overstay my welcome, at least.


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