
Religion vs Science: Part 3 (Final)

So communication still existed between me and my discussant (R), although more infrequently were the exchanges made since the last post. Today I realized that I have since been blocked from responding to this person. I kind of wonder how long it took him to figure out how to do that. Anyway, here's how the rest of it played out. Oh, and my final comment was put back on the original link, just because I'm stubborn,I also want the last word, and I think that bailing like that is kind of a weak way out.

Curious. Have u red the Manifesto?

There are many manifestos. Communist? Not in its entirety, but most of it.

Thought you'd like this. That is your "share the wealth" comrade in the bottom left corner. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2009/06/14/trib-reruns-1934-cartoon-planned-economy-or-planned-destruction

That must have been horrible -- the people in the cap and gowns telling everyone how the government should spend money to give people jobs. I wonder if there's a website on all the jobs that were created by FDR during that time... It's funny because things keep popping up in even just my field that point back to FDR.

Here's a few things to read over:

Oh, and Glenn Beck is talking in downtown Anchorage tomorrow. I'll be sure to say hi to him for you.

Seriously? Wiki write what you want again? It's proven that the giveaways that FDR did sustained the depression and made it worse and more prolonged. Did you look that up? Just like today. I'm a business man. I know what tax relief does to investment. I know what uncontrolled spending does to confidence to businesses. Its basic laws of capitalism. But then, that is the objective right? Kill capitalism.

By the way, while the socialist media tries to make us forget and move on, we will not forget. http://www.thomasmore.org/default-sb_thomasmore.html?124321245

I suppose you just want another war. Cuz two (and now one) just isn't enough. That seemed to work the last time.

We didn't start this.

Who did?

Oh my god. Where were you on 9/11/01?

Sleeping. It was a little early on the west coast.

Interesting take on freedom of speech.

Also hits on a few issues:

Disagreement is treason:
The New Right knows, cynically, that their ideas cannot stand up to honest analysis, and so demonize those who disagree with them. It creates a Muslim Non-American of the President; a rampaging horde of immigrants, and tells us that to vote for universal health care is a choice between freedom and tyranny.

This is part and parcel of the fear of diversity, the inherent racism in fascist ideas. There must always be an “other” and in the case of the New Right, the other is distinctly brown.

Appeal to frustrated middle class:
During times of economic uncertainty, someone must be to blame for the decline in what seemed to be endless prosperity. Despite the fact that wealth in the U.S. has continued to concentrate in the wealthiest, these same wealthy successfully convince the middle class that it is really concentrating among The Others, those who are taking “our” jobs, raising taxes, etc. Despite the fact that our tax structure favors the rich rather than the middle or lower economic classes, it is the poorest or brownest that must be to blame. Them, and the bankers, whose names all seem to share some ethic similarities when repeated over and over.

... The battle over an Islamic center in New York could perhaps be seen as an isolated incident by those who are completely blind, but as mosques and Muslims are attacked across the U.S., a trend has emerged: it’s open season on anyone demonized by the New Right. As Sarah Palin yells, “don’t retreat, reload,” a line that brings cheers from her 2nd Amendment-loving but 14th Amendment-hating followers, real people are reloading.

Fascism incites its followers to demonize the Other, to physically attack him and all he stands for. Once it becomes the new normal to attack Muslims, burn their books, and forbid their houses of worship, all it takes to spread the hate further is to accuse enemies of the cause of being Muslims or Muslim-sympathizers. The spread of lies about President Obama’s origins, religious beliefs, etc. aren’t just the rantings of a few nut jobs. They are part of an organized effort to create hate, division, and to delegitimize a lawfully elected and constituted government.

on your first link, stupid. I have the right to do ANYTHING in this country as long as I do not threaten others in doing it. Burning a book is completely within anyone's rights. Heck I may burn a koran every day from now on; who is to know and care? Oh... that's right... the Muslims care, as they threaten to KILL people ......and DO... for such legal rights. Oh, but you know what? Federal agents went to talk to this guy and told him what he was saying and doing was indeed threatening our troops all over the world. That is why he capitulated. It was the Muslims that threatened lives, not him.

You just don't get it man. These people are dangerous. They only know violence to solve their concerns. I recall somewhere up in this exchange you contended that "your side" doesn't support violence and asked me to site such. Here is another example. You democrats support people that openly threaten human lives for not doing what they REQUIRE others to do or act like. It's not about them. It's about our Constitution. Remember that? That is how this exchange between you and me got started. But when it doesn't support your agenda, you don't support it? Man. Oh, but you don't believe in "inalienable rights" either.

Fascism man is what the MUSLIMS do! Wake up! They are the violent threatening and demonizing people. Who is it you cannot see this? I'm just lost in your inability to see the truth. Maybe it just comes with age and breaking away from propaganda you are taught.


I think you missed the point. The point was that people can do what they want, but they'll also succumb to pressure if it's great enough, which is also free speech from one side to the other.

Being a dick with your free speech is a lot different than openly practicing a religion. One just riles people up, and the other is people trying to do their own thing. If using the threat of potential violence for quelling what this dumbass minister wants to do, then so be it. Yeah, you can burn it, no one says you can't. But really, that's not helping anyone and will only incite more rage. Wouldn't you want to do something about Muslims burning a bunch of Bibles?

I think you don't get it. WE are dangerous. Have you seen how we blow the crap out of places over there? Did they really want us coming in and "making everything better"? I doubt it. We make up some WMD BS and rolled with the excuse to push those people around. I'd be pretty pissed about it myself. But, of course, you see it as there was "totally the potential" for WMD and you don't see how this was totally about resources, namely oil.

Remember in our Constitution -- that part about freedom of religion? Why is it OK for you to practice yours, meanwhile these other people shouldn't be allowed because a few of them are dangerous. ... We've already gone over this...

I know Alaska politics don't really affect you, but this Joe Miller guy is really something:

And, ah yes, isn't fascism fun?

Age has nothing to do with this other than our learning what we did at a receptive time in our lives.

gee man. You are SO amazingly blinded. Now I'm more interested to know how a naturally born and educated American gets this blinded?

You started this discussion touting the Constitutional rights the Muslims have; now you condone violence ,"so be it" you say,when others do what they have the freedom to do. Then you say that conservatives are intolerant, yet condone intolerant actions by Muslims against Christians. "Pressure" is defined as intolerance in your example above. You have no consistent principles, only an agenda led by Marxist tactics and philosophy. You will make no friends in the South with these Marxist ideals. Maybe it will help you wake up and see the truth. Maybe.

We didn't kill needless people in Iraq on purpose. We freed those people from tyranny and murder, and dispersed those that were trying to kill us as well. And Iraq is the one that tried and hung Hussein for his atrocities, giving justification to our actions. But heck, he was probably one of your heros, like Marx and Mao, that just killed those that offended the Koran or went against his own preferences.

And the WMD were moved; that was proven but your sources deny, as it doesn't fit your agenda. Stupid. There were also those that told that Russia assisted in this move; Russia and French had the most to lose when we freed that country. Look up the money trail in Iraq in those years.



I'm done. No need to correspond any more. You've shown your true colors in this dialog which is intolerance for others and violent tenancies to get your agenda installed; which is all communist Marxist teachings. I pray that your "nature" gives you what you need in life. Bye and good luck.

I suppose hiding is one way to win a discussion but it doesn't really leave things open to see both sides of the story. I don't condone violence, merely the threat of it. It's a power tactic for those who don't see that something as ridiculous as burning sacred texts will in no way help either side.

I do not promote intolerance unless it pertains to the intolerant.

That is all. Sorry, J.

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