
Rob update

So apparently the cover story for Rob's absence at the pool has turned into, "Rob dislocated his shoulder."

Which may in fact be true, but we don't tell people how it happened.
Seems that later on that night, after the pool had closed, one of the employee's son was driving by Fred Meyer and saw somebody fall.
He stopped to see if the guy was alright and it turned out to be Rob.
Maybe that's when the dislocation happened, who knows.
I do know that Rob's dislocated an arm before, so I think that makes it easier for it to happen again.

We've had three people fill in for Rob now. One girl that used to work at the pool and fills in at emergencies, one girl who guards and used to teach, and another new girl who's 22 and has been lifeguarding since she was 13.

It's kinda nice. Other than Clement, who's 21 and married, I'm the only guy working at the pool now.
And I have to say. After that drama that went down on Friday, I seem to be closer to Karina and Elisa now.
Weird how an incident like that can create better friends.
Now more than ever, I feel some sort of loyalty toward the pool.
Maybe it's because I'm also getting to know the owners and their whole family.
It's insane how many people's lives I keep in contact with and check on at least once a week.
I don't know if they'd miss me if I'd leave, but I'm sure the absence would be felt.


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