

I picked up a People magazine today and was flipping through it. I found an article about the author of this book: Self-made Man.
The only real reason I read the article was because I had seen her interviewed on either the Daily Show or Colbert Report and she actually did a fine job stading up to their ridicule.

In reading the article, I came to somewhat of a conclusion on an issue that's been bothering me since probably high school: dowry.

If women are the allegedly more attractive of the genders, why is it that throughout history, in most cultures, women and their families are the ones who have to buy off the male.
But then I read a passage about the author posing as a man and interacting amongst all her new guy friends: "The way they told it, it sounded as if male sex drive and marriage were incompatible."

And that may be the answer I was looking for. Maybe it's common knowledge to everyone else, but I was never one to ask questions when I had one, I'd lament about them until I found the answer on my own. And here it is: women have to buy off men's monogamy.

Nowadays, I don't really see this as being so much a trend. I guess there still is a slight bit of pressure for the father-of-the-bride to take on the majority of the costs of the outlandish weddings, but depending on financial and familial situations, both sides may take on the burden.
And today, men are having to buy a fat rock for women so he can promiose to eventually attach a ball-and-chain to his ankle.

Since when did women start gaining all the power?

In other exciting People news:
Chris Penn, brother of Sean Penn, dies at 40. No foul play involved.
Jared Leto puts on 50 lbs. in preparation for a film where he portrays John Lennon's killer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's the problem. women have been getting all the power for awhile now, and so we are the smart ones who get our lives figured out early on and them doods can't get nothin figured out until at least the age of 30, if not later...freakin annoying....

11:47 PM  

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