
SHA & work

So it's official. I signed up for the SHA conference, I have a plane ticket down and back, and I've reserved a room in Sacramento.
I asked for the time off, and since it's not in December and I asked over a month in advance, I think I'm good to go.
Now I just wait. Then I pack the night before.

As for work, I would have had Tuesday off, but I'm also looking to buy a dry suit, so I offered to whore myself out to a guy I know at the pool.
He's paying $20/hr to hack the crap out of some cattails and dogwood that are pretty much along the waterfront by the Inglewood Golf Course at the top of Lake Washington.

(side note: Manuel and I did our one snork up that Tracy Owen Park where we were caught tresspassing on the gravel barge 1/4 mile from shore. $66 of fun came from that adventure.)

This much closer to a dry suit!
My warm body will thank me.


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