
SHA again

So I made flight and hotel reservations to Sacramento.
And a bagillion dollars later, I still have to register and pay for the actual conference.
Well, at least I'll have some time in Sacramento if i don't get to go to the conference.
I applied for membership to SHA, but I had to do it via snail mail.
That means that I have to be a member when I register, but I don't have a login name as of now.
So I have to wait to get all that info, but hopefully it's before December 15th, cuz after that date, the prices increase.

Oh, and I still have to ask for it off from work. It will effect both jobs.
FM won't be too bad. I need the later half of Wednesday through Saturday off.
As for the pool, I need two shifts covered, which is actually 4, cuz i'm the only crazy one that works 6.5 hrs in one sitting without actually going crazy. So I need Thursday and Friday covered.
the hard part is that there's only 3 other lifeguards to confer with. and none of them like working Friday night.
Maybe I'll just go over their heads and let the boss deal with it. Although I really don't like doing that.
Either way, I'm going to fucking Sacramento.
Fire me if you have the balls.


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