
Pool dive

friday's at the pool: slow as fuck.
so i decided to spice up my night by bringing in the camera.

i hopped in and shared the pool with a few people who hopefully don't care that i took some shots of them. some knew about my roving eye, others didn't.

i was somewhat dissapointed at the outcome of the pictures, but some are still pretty good.
no flash means a blurry picture.
flash means floating particles will mess with your shot.

i got paid to take these pictures.
i got to the pool an hour early, and i got out an hour late when 2 small kids showed up.
i should have gotten a picture of those two, as everyone was making comments about "the children of the corn".
and they were dead right.
the hair color and cut, along with the penetrating stare that they'd give you, made you want to go running for the hills.

after i got out and dried off, i went and talked to my boss, who for the first time in a year and a half of working there, i figured out that he's a pretty good guy.
that was the first conversation i've had with him in my whole time working for the pool.
i'm sorry i didn't start talking to him sooner.
his wife, however, still strikes fear in my heart.

around 6 or so, his two youngest kids, 8 and 10, came out and played with me.
we have half a dozen rubber basketballs about the size of small bowling balls that we'd run aroubnd pegging each other with.
it was two on one.
for the most part, i could handle my own, but every now and then, they'd wise up and attact in tandem.
i ball to the face and a ball to the stomach. ouch.
the 10 year old's got quite the arm. i took a hit in the flank that stung like hell for a few minutes.
i got him good a few times as well. i'd feel bad afterward, cuz i don't mean to throw the ball that hard, but i had some that would bounce on the water and hit him square in the face as he surfaced for air.
his little sister i went easier on, she'd just get some slight bonks on the noggin from a dropped ball as she came up.
connie joined in on the fun for a bit, which was utter chaos.
she's funny. she'd yell, "i hate you!" in a giggly voice, then ask for the ball that i had after she'd thrown her ball at me.
i laughed for a moment at her logic, but gave her the ball to see her smile.

we continued this game for about 3 hours.
9 o'clock rolled around and i finally had a chance to clean up and get the tarps ready.
when i was done playing, my clothes were soaked from all the wet balls striking me.
luckily i had brought spare clothing for going out to jeff's 21 run.

all-in-all a good night.


Blogger Nurse said...

dood, where the hell was that giant spider you were taking pics of??!

3:50 PM  
Blogger Trav said...

the pictures say: on the bottom of the pool.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Nurse said...

only creepy.

7:28 AM  

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