
Food and Oil

i think before i was bitching about how people were complaining about food prices rising.
at the time i don't think they really had.

but now they noticeably are.
i was talking to a guy who stocks the food isles.
he was saying that coca-cola is now more expensive than orange juice.
with the exception of bananas (for some reason), fruit seems to be either stable or rising.
avocados are DAMN expensive.

as for oil, i was watching C-Span2 for some godawful reason last night where senators were bitching about the gouging of gas prices, democrats and republicans alike.
north dakota man, his name eludes me, kept bringing up the fact that oil profits for this year were going to be a mere $80 billion.
another woman senator reminded the board that a year ago gas prices were a mere $1.30 compared to the near $3 of today.
virginia is looking into the lawfulness of the price gouging for that state, as something like the 50 cent increase that they saw in one day needed to be approved by their state board.

everybody seemed to be fed up with it, the democrats understandably moreso than the republicans, but no one was about to point the finger.
i guess that wouldn't get anyone anywhere anyway. although north dakota man reiterated the fact that we're definitely not involved in a free market, but where do you expect that a large portion of the oil profits end up?
definitely not with an oil tycoon...


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