
so i finally made it home last night after that week long trip.
the realization that i'm actually once again living in my parents house is starting to sink in.
kinda depressing, but that'll just mean i'll have to push myself to get out and do stuff.

anyway. the trip was pretty cool, even if it was with my family. i'll post pictures when my computer gets hooked up to the internet, right now i'm using the communal one.

highlights of the trip were: NY city, Boston, Niagra Falls, Cooperstown (baseball hall of fame), Hannibal, Missouri (home of Mark Twain), the Badlands of South Dakota, Mount Rushmore, the Crazy Horse Monument, Yellowstone and its fauna, and i guess thats about it, with maybe the exception of wazzu.

if i don't get around to posting a detailed description of the trip, you can check out my sister's blog. i haven't checked it out yet so i don't know what all it entails, but hopefully some of it is interesting. i know there's at least a link to the crazy horse website if you aren't sure exactly what that is.

so yeah. i had today off, but tomorrow i get to be reminded how shitty of a job i have. what's worse is that my boss hired new help, and in doing so gave them the morning shifts that i wanted. so its back to working til close at 10 o'clock.
dammit i need another job.


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