
hey all.
forgot to write about last week's dive, so i guess i'll incorporate it into this post about this week's dive.
i guess i didn't bother last week cuz there really wasn't much to report.
we went down south of I-90 to the surrounding Seward park area.
basically a shitload of weeds is all we found with the expected usual selection of beer and soda bottles and cans.

we went around a boat dock area which we thought might have proved fruitful, but we were sadly mistaken. just more weeds. i dont know how the boats can really function in them.

under one dock close to shore, i did find 4 fish hanging out. 1 was a kind i'd seen before, and he actually led me to the other three. they all just ended up chilling with weeds to their back and right, the rocky man-made shore to their left, and me in front of them.

the 3 fish were cool-looking. kinda colorless but with a pink hue, and their back fins were spined with the webbing constricted between each spine to make it look like a wave pattern. and the fins themselves were of a darkish green color. very interesting fish.

anyway, the four of them "sat" there facing me, just checking me out. i did the same. somewhat of a mexican standoff. they were as curious about me as i was of them. one of the weird-colored ones came up to get a closer look at me. i let my hand stick out and bob however the water decided it to. the fish got within about 6 inches and stayed there. i made the mistake of reaching further, which sent him and the rest of his friends darting into the safety of the seaweed. oh well.

later on we finally got out of the seaweed and there was just the dirt lakebed with large boulders. found a couple crayfish hiding in between some.
swimming further, i found an anchor with a long rope attached. i was almost going to keep it, but it got lost. meh. what would i do with an anchor? i gots no boat.

the only truely interesting thing about this trip was the depth. i'd go down and clear my ears as usual, but when i'd get down to the lakebed, it would feel like i would have to clear my ears again. i didn't cuz the pain wasn't excruciating, but the point was, that it was deep enough to where i would need to again, i've never felt that before or since. i'm wishing i knew how deep that actually was.

well. other than that, i only added to my golfball collection by 2, and that ended the day.
i was going to put today's dive in this post here, but i'm going to head off to edmonds instead. i'll be sure to post about it though later.


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