
fuck fuck fuck mother fuck fuck.

what shit.
i have this theory:
BCC gets all the surplus teachers that couldnt get into the U or where ever else around the state.
but shoreline.
the scraped the bottom of the fucking barrel.

in bio today. the teacher is going over more chemistry.
she does fine until she gets questions. she cant back her shit up.

the first one, she tries and does tell the class that a hydrogen ion is ONLY a proton.
bitch. its got an electron too.
so that pisses me off, cuz shes telling everyone something wrong, but i let it slide.
then the next time, shes talking about carboxylic acids, and someone asks why there cant be two double bonded oxygens.
her response: theoretically it could happen, but.....
that was it. i had to raise my hand for the first time since i think high school....

um. you cant have that molecule because then there'd be 5 bonds to the carbon.

oh yeh.

fuck. this is really simple shit here...

im not saying that teaching aint hard, cuz i know it is.
but you at least gotta know your shit to teach.

i learned how hard it is to teach, cuz today in lab i had to help my lab partner, because basically the teacher knows nothing.
after i left he helped her, and he helped her all wrong, i had to show her what was the right way.... jesus....

oh. and that lab that i finished in one hour... yeh. that was supposed to be a two day lab.. supposed to take 4 hrs.. ha!
i got my lab partner done with hers in a half hr today, and we busted outta there.

they stuck us with a new lab teacher today. one who's never taught the class before. hurr(G)ay!

its sad.
how are people expected to learn?
i do need to get into the U... quickstyle.
but what? are there just going to be TAs trying to teach?
whilst the profs are off doing their own reasearch?
someone teach me.

i loved my o chem teacher.
he knew his shit.
never stumped by a question.


oh yeah. and my english teacher didnt show today.
so thankful i had time to do my spanish homework, since i was too busy with this sweetass webcam and video games last night....
rock on.


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