
this is why i do bad in school.
it fucking bores me.
today, bio. she talks about..... water.
oh yes. good shit.

then, in lab, we go over chemistry shit.
they cover my whole organic chemistry class in 30 questions.
no wonder the people are thoroughly confused.
i busted through that shit in just under an hour, while everyone else was still on like 7 or 9.
i kinda pulled a dick move with my lab partners. i left them hanging, and ran out the door.
i hate being there longer than i have to be.
but i left them all the answers, so hopefully theyre at least somewhat thankful...

its really weird how i talk to those two:
open, freely.
i dont talk to anyone at school.
im also starting to talk to that old chic in my spanish class, cuz the teacher makes us talk in groups and shes always sitting behind me, and theres no one to the right, left or infront of me
(im in the front left corner).
so instead of doing the weekly chats where we get together and shit, we're just emailing shit and writing it down as if we had talked about it.... works for me.
i surprise myself with the amount of knowledge about spanish that apparently just comes outta my ass whenever needed. but im also realizing how rusty i am in other areas, such as knowing which conjuga(y)tion to use in the past tense.

i like writing, but i hate writing on a given topic. what a bastard. heh.

so. i hear my car's fixed. wo0t!
and also, is ashley actually moved in yet?
i finally met mike. i think hes partially moved in as well.
ok. headin out to good ol' kirkland.
later peeps.


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