
i finished my lab just a bit after i woke up this morning, but i put off my paper til just recently.
it was like i got over this one milestone, then was so proud of myself that i really didnt want to partake in the other.
so i played my vids and did some laundry.... shit like that.
then manuel showed up. had some fine dining at this indian place on the ave.
thought i'd have time to get in a little paper-writin before the movie, but no.
so i just had more vids, and caught up with lea.....
booted over to oaktree. that beggar man wasnt there when we showed up.
but was out there working his magic after we left. musta been a dinner break or something....
anyway. zoolander was...dumb, but that was its appeal.
so i sat my ass down and pondered my paper....

one page..... something about the NYC plane shit.... a letter to anyone about the topic....
so, i re-read some shit that my sis had posted, and i responded to that.
thanx dood. i dont watch tv much anymore, let alone the news, so i wasnt well versed in recent acts of terrorism.
but i got it done. its ass, and i refuse to re-write it, cuz i'd be up even later...
but here i am, giving blogger some luv where i could have been upping my grade.
fuck grades.
i learn what i learn, and thats what important to me.
i live up to my capabilities. well. ok. maybe not, but i live up to my standards.
i think i could do better, so i just leave it at that. and know i could do better, but why try to impress other people with it?
i already know what i, myself can do.
and besides. that shits boring and uninteresting to me.
get me a good topic and i'll try not to be up all night looking into it....

what the fuck to do with my life?
megan asked me last night.
"if you could do anything in the world you wanted with no restrictions, what would you do/be?"

i came up with... not as a job, but i'd like to SCUBAdive.
back in archaeology, there was this article i read about scientists that would explore underwater caves in the mediterranean sea that have been covered up since the passing of the ice age.
that seems like cool shit.
i also dig rocks. but that seems so boring...
animals..... plants..... chemistry.....
yeh, science is definately the right direction, but which way?


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