
is it just me, or is english 101 just like 2nd grade all over again?
well. i guess a lotta classes are like that.
all the stupid people need to be caught up so we're all "on the same level".
who knows what a conjugation is, and how to use one?
too bad only 2 outta 4 knew.

bio. fucking bio.
we're going over the basics of chemistry.
this is why i dropped out last time.
i cant take the boredom. moving so slow....
how can people still not get it?!

also. talking about electronegativity.
on something such as water. one oxygen, two hydrogen.
know the model? yeh.
well you know the delta minus on the oxygen side to show the polarity?
well this teacher sez that its a sigma. ok. no big deal, but shes the teacher. sure shes specializing in bio and not chem, but shouldnt she know this basic shit?
i wonder how long shes known it as the wrong way, and how long shes been telling others this incorrect bit of info.
(see. i just used a conjugated sentence! damn. im ahead of half of the people in my english class.)
fucking morons. when do i get outta there? oh yeh.... its my own damn fault.

i cant wait til i get to specialize.
but in what?...... shit.

other random thought de jour:
when its mutual, its "time well spent".
when its one-sided, its "smothering". >=P


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