
so when im on break, and a random CCK (my dept) person that seems nice, and also seems to be an opportunity, i try to talk to then.
i talked to one boss that new my big head boss from totem lake, and a couple other people. that was cool.

but today i was walking to the bathroom, and this short middle-aged checker was all like que tal?
surprised i responded, bien, but really had to take care of business first.

so after that was taken care of.
i came back and spent my whole break (and a bit more) talking to her.
telling of all my spanish experience, etc.
going to spain, wanting to go to south america.... almost going this summer, but having it fall through....
museums, trips, points of interest. she knew them all.
apparently shes from columbia.
she highly recommended going to chile, argentina, and brazil.
which were the 3 fuckers on the top of my list anyway.
she was talking to me in spanish, and i kinda got it, but she was talking so low, and any distraction fucks with you big time.
but im glad im taking spanish again.
its somewhat of a passion/hobbie. who the fuck knows why.
maybe because it comes so easily to me, and again, who the fuck knows why.
but i do realize, that i can read and understand it, but speaking? damn. thats hard shit.
i wonder if 201 will be too easy? probably. but i cant take 202 or 203 til their respective quarters.
and im runnin outta interesting shit to take at these CCs.

another thing.
i wish gymnastics wasnt looked upon as so homo.
those fags are buff though.
when i get bored at work, and no ones around, i fuck around like im on the goddamn parallel bars or the rings or some shit. doing dips and whatnot.
express lane rocks. theres so much time to fuck around with.
but your neighbors get pissed cuz youre denying the overloaded fuckers left and right, so naturally where do they go? to the poor fucks next door, even if theres open lanes a couple down. heh.
i was covered on each side by two bitches today, so i didnt really mind. =D

i got a half hr lunch today. ran into misty in the break room. shes kinda sick. she got some water and chilled outside with me (she was parceling [pushing carts] today).
she sat wtih me the whole time i had. and i was even late getting back. the funny thing was that she was only there today for 4 hrs, and spent a half hr with me. heh.
no one knew. no one even noticed i was late.
oh. she might be selling her car to the dude i talk to in the deli.
his car dun busted and he cant afford to fix it.

everyone comments on her. to me...
ya know? like.
whats up with you guys?
uh.. she married.
damn. but she likes you, i can tell.

i know.


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