
and so the boredom begins.
i need to make things happen...
i had one thing i set out to do with my two days off.
i havent done it yet.
maybe nows the time.

but after that, then what?
i guess i have options to call people.
but its still mid-day, and these full-timers wont likely be home yet.

oh, btw, dont come into my room and wake me up unless its important.
po, yer a fag.

last night was trippy and i didnt even do anything.
it seems like more and more things that are happening simulate something in a movie.
not an exact scene per say, but just the concept.

shit that never happens in a bland person's life are becoming reality...

i really want to kiss you right now.
um. im not ready for that yet.

and of course that "deep" conversation last night that you also only see in movies.

so i guess some of this shit does really happen, but i just hadnt gotten to that point in life, or i've just been sheltered for most of it;
by my family, and who i choose to hang with.

chris interrupted my train of thought.
but maybe i will have something to do afterall...
too bad my last experience with him wasnt really a good one....


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