
just a little bloggin before bed.
i hadnt checked blogs in a while, cuz frankly, no one was writing them.
tonight had a surge though... wtf?

mkay. couple responses...
manuel, wank... what? im pissed at you or should be? bwah!
oh. you mean the car thing, wank?
yeah. that got me, cuz the driver always seems to get shat on.... especially when its me.
got a clue why i bitch so much about it now?
im not taking it out on you, wank... im just saying in general....
i was glad that you guys footed the bill though.... or else heads woulda rolled....
oh yeah, btw, who bought tickets? i owe someone...

the other thing...
yeah, pop...
you know, its kinda dissappointing when you go to the fridge to grab a cold one, and what seems to be just after you stocked up, half your shits gone.
if everyone bought shit now and then, then there'd be no problem.
but since we havent figured that out, as seen by the toilet paper shortage, then people get upset....
cuz i dont really drink pop as religiously as some people. so i end up getting less of my own, then feeling kinda bad for taking other peoples, and i dont know if they're feeling the same as me, where we can share if you buy some, then they buy some, and everyones happy.

parties kinda excludes this, cuz it seems that everyones helping themselves, but at least B put me in my place.
that was funny....

but seriously... be considerate.
people eat my shit if i leave it out too. what the hells that?
i have limited food resources.. thats why its so upsetting.

and im gay for whining about all this shit.


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