
got caught up on blogs tonight.
matts was kinda easy.
neways. heres a bit i have to say to yall.
dans right. josh doesnt give a fuck.
i wanted to go out with joy and them when i could, but hes a hard fucker to get motivated. he wanted to leave the allstar game after like 6 innings, it was the one time i put my foot down. you gotta be slick or demanding when you want your way with that guy...
too bad im only slick some of the time, usually in bed.
yeah. i thought the next time i slept with a person it'd be a chic. nope. damn josh.
my water bed isnt that big.

air. you dont take blogger seriously =P its not us (or at least the consistant ones )
wank. my bad. josh didnt wanna see dream, and theyre not my favorite, but i think i woulda met a lot more famous people. this busdriver that took us down to safeco told us even he talked to barry bonds for about 5 mins, and also the espn announcer, firestone, or something.. i dont watch that shit....

dan. yeah. too bad you guys only met tiffany. josh's other sister. but yall got to meet boy george!
trip. thats some wierd shit. not only for that chic to read my blog, but to single me out.... trippin'.
oh yes. and manuel. thanx for havin my back.

and i still say fuck all yall that went to wild waves.
(which is pretty much everyone i hang out with)


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