
so im totally stoked... i didnt know my babberings would do a damn thing.. but look.. in the people you least expect it in, you get an answer! oh, and btw, wank, yeah, you score $5! what i was looking for was that they dont have mammory glands, they just secrete the milk out of their skin and the little platypi lick it up.. yum..
so that makes me feel better.. something thats kinda bummed me out today was the fact that its ashleigh's birthday.. i havent talked to her since we were both off on vacation, and i havent seen her since march 19th.. the before she left for ohio... i emailed her today just to say happy bday, and in hopes that maybe someday she'll want to talk to me again.. i highly doubt it for a while.. i talk to her best friend maegan over IM, shes in ohio... it pisses me off how she writes.. she uses exclamation point way too much.. so i ask her.. do you think ashleigh will be my friend again.. her response.. "i dont know i really dont know!" what the fuck?! what are you so excited about? she always tells me she has a paper to write so she doesnt have to talk to me.. whatever...
not like i even harp on it anymore...
so work is so easy going now, i love them... not only did they cut my easter working time almost in half, which i guess is ok cuz its still like working a full day, but they gave me next weekend off like i asked!! which means that i can move back home, AND party on saturday with no restrictions...
and wank.. as for the reed/red sea thing.. you might be on track, but i also read where the winds can blow funkily and actually part the really shallow areas.. so maybe its a bit of both..
im glad people read my shit, although the lastest kinda seemed like woe is me.. but im just analyzing how i am..
and later i'll get to the wrastlin, which i think is kinda exciting..
alright.. this is enough for one day..


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