
Progress Report

Blogs are scary, especially when you divulge most of your life to them.
I came upon some old postings from October 2001 (I've been blogging since April 2001), and aside from being shocked or bored at the content, it's funny to see that with just a month's snippet of my life from 'back in the day' I saw some cementing of ideas that make me who I am today.

One of the posts from October 1, 2001, where I was pondering my life's direction.
It seemed like such a pipe dream back then but now I seem a bit closer to that goal, and only just over 6 years later:

"what the fuck to do with my life?
megan asked me last night.
"if you could do anything in the world you wanted with no restrictions, what would you do/be?"

i came up with... not as a job, but i'd like to SCUBAdive.
back in archaeology, there was this article i read about scientists that would explore underwater caves in the mediterranean sea that have been covered up since the passing of the ice age.
that seems like cool shit.
i also dig rocks. but that seems so boring...
animals..... plants..... chemistry.....
yeh, science is definately the right direction, but which way?


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