
bad day

today was a bad day.
and not even because it was monday.
and not even because i had to work 12 hrs.

i need to preface myself by saying that when i was rehired with fred meyer that they bumped me down 2 pay scales simply because i had been away from the company for 2 years.
so this is about a 4 dollar difference.
i have to re-earn two jumps back up to be where i was two years ago.

so when i get hired they tell me that it'll take 600 hours to gain each step.
so at 20 hrs a week, i figured that i'd easily get my first raise by june 15th.
so i go to the computer and find out that i still have 400-and-some hours to go!
now with 6 weeks to go til june 15th, i should only have something like 120 hrs to go. what is this bullshit?!

the woman who hired me was in the room, so i asked her why it said i still had 400+ hrs. but she's always got her head up her ass when it comes to shit that she should know. so she was no help.
but someone threw out that maybe its actually 1,000 hrs per raise instead of 600 since there was just recently that change in contracts if you were hired after a certain date.

so even though i was quoted at 600, can they still fuck me over and make me work til 1,000 just because i probably don't have it in writing?
what assholes. especially since they already dicked me over once by bumping me down TWO pay scales. if it was only one, i could push on through the remaining 400 hrs.


then at my other job, the pool cat Boomer was disturbed by a 3-year-old girl and scratched her chin.
now, it could have been any kid, i imagine, but it just so happened to be the kid whose parents baby them to death.
when rob is trying to teach them to swim, the parents stand at the poolside (and the dad actually sometimes gets in) while the other parents sit back.
every five minutes the parents take their kids (the girl has a brother) out of the pool and console them for having it so rough in the pool.

fucking great. i have to deal with psycho mom. so Boomer is an outdoor cat and does look kinda dirty, but not totally mangy.
he also has no tags or collar. so that is kinda sketchy.
but the mom goes on and on about how the cat might have rabies and shit like that.
i told her that the cat has hung out other times and acts like a normal cat.
she didn't like that response. she throws back shit like, "still, he's a dirty cat."
her bawling daughter picks up on this and goes, "NO CATS, MOMMY! I WANNA GO HOME! DIRTY CAT!"
eventually she was still bawling and muttered, "my owwie dissappeared mommy." but she kept crying.
so i really don't know what the mom wanted my co-worker at the desk and i to do.
she wanted to talk to our boss, but elisa (co-worker) and i both knew how that goes: they never answer. they don't like dealing with anything. they're highly non-confrontational.
so after elisa told rob about it because he let the cat in, and he responded by doing dick, all i could do was to offer to get the cat outside.
the mom wasn't at all thankful, cuz as far as she was concerned, it should have never been in there.

so i go to pick up Boomer. which i never do. i always let him move on his own volition. he always walks himself to the back door to be let out, or to the weight room door, or to the lobby door.
so i go to pick him up, and he must have been agitated enough by his previous encounter that he scratched my face, right below my right eye.
actually, not only right below my right eye, but he also scratched my eye, the little fucker.
luckily though, it wasn't on the pupil or cornea, just on the white part.
it kinda stings a little bit. so do the three claw marks just under my eye.
all are barely visible though, unless you're looking.

then when rob has one class left, his adult swim class, he pulls himself over the lane line. and it snaps. he pays no attention to it.
now back when he did this once, i didn't mind having something to do and fixing it, but this is the 6th time that the lane lines have broken over the last month or two.
and rob didn't even bother to pull it to the other side so i could attach it.
so i left that shit there.
an odd sight. almost like a snake weaving its way through the pool.
but after a while, my boss did come in to give us our paychecks.
so i decided to half-assedly jimmy-rig the line back up, so if anyone climbs on it again, it'll go.

so all the time that the line was floating about, rob was giving his lessons in the only remaining lane. and immediately after i fixed it, he put two of his students over into the other lane.
what a fucking jackass.

immediately after my boss left, i went back to talk to elisa.
fuck it. i was done watching the pool.
it was only those 4 people in adult swim that rob had his immediate attention on, those two asian kids and their dad that swim there every-damn-day, and beard guy, who i can't really call beard guy anymore cuz he just shaved.
so i talked to elisa for 20 minutes or so til rob's class was done.

when i go back to the pool, rob comes up to me and informs me that the lane line had come undone again (just as i had planned when somebody's fatass would hang on it), and that he kinda reconnected it, but that i should re-do it.
he told me to ratchet the one side to give slack on the other and take a jumprope and tie it down.
fuck that. you could have done that, you ass!
i told him, "i'll get on that."
cuz at the moment i was picking up all the kickboards and noodles that he litters around the far edges of the pool just so i have to walk all the way back there to pick that crap up.
yeah... i'll get to it.
fuck that.
i hope it breaks when i'm not there, and one of the helpless girls are there that can't manage to do any sort of work while they're there other than homework.

i'm also bitter that i am asking for two fridays off. i haven't asked for a day off since guatemala, and i did get one off, and i'm paying that girl back by working her tuesday shift which i really can't work. and the shift i want off on friday the 13th, no one will/can do it.
yet these girls ask for their shifts off every other week and i usually cover them even though i don't want to.
i got a note asking that i work this saturday for one of them.
fuck that. until i see some reciprocation, i aint doing shit for no one.
you guys have brought me to my limit.

i'm done with both these fucking jobs.
i'm holding on to them til july, just cuz i can't get a job right before i leave for a month.
fuck those jobs.
i gotta gets me a real job.


Blogger Keith said...

Well I have to say I feel your pain when it comes to stupid people raising things, be it kids or animals. So I dont have much time to keep in contact with anyone cause Im a lame ass so most are pretty behind on the goings on in my life. My two roomates have decided in the last three weeks that they wanted dogs too. So Kori comes home with a male rot puppy and Tommy comes home with a female pitbull puppy. Stu had been pretty cool with the whole situation and everything was going well. The rot took the the submisive role no problem but the pit is a little slower and would not leave stu alone. She kept jumping on him and finally he had had enough. Stu let her know a few times with a growl and I thought things were ok...my bad... I turned around to pick up a toy and the puppy did it again. Now I want to make this very clear for you non dog people, Stu "nipped" the puppy...not attack, not bit, nipped. The only problem is his one puncture hole found the little tiny scalp vein and stupid thing goes into puppy shock and had to go get fluid at the vet. Tommy being the mature, knowledgable pet owner he is freaks out and is threatening to kill stu because he "attacked" the puppy. I had to lock Stu in my room (actual deadbolt on the door lock) So...a few days have passed now and we have come the the comprimise that he is not going to kill Stu if Stu is either locked in my room when I am not here or has a muzzle on when he is around the puppy...Needless to say now I am trying to pack all my shit up and move into a friends house becasue this guy loves his puppy so much he would kill Stu for normal pack behavior...oh wait he is going to leave the dog here with his other friend because its just going to be too hard to find a place that accepts dogs when he gets married in 2 months....ass

sorry for the rant on your page Trav but I sure feel better

6:34 AM  
Blogger Trav said...

i don't mind at all.
but you do have your own blog ;)

10:29 AM  

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