
shit. i was about to post about something, and i realized it was about the same shit as my last post.
whatever. fuck it.

what i gotta say is this:
normally i wouldn't go out and defend bible-thumpers, but i dunno.
this shit about that jesus movie "passions" or whatever.
people are saying how its over the top, how it wrongly depicts what happened.

well, hey guys. i know you're somehow jesus know-it-alls because you've now seen the movie,
but how about you learn the real story before you start spouting shit.
i'm not saying the whole story is true, but i'm sure most of it probably happened.
but in the bible, jesus got his shit rocked.
and yeah, the jews set him up for it.
the bible's really good about not using the word "rabbi",
but those are the guys who were threatened by jesus' draw so they wanted to put a stop to it all.
according to the story. barabas, some murder was set free and jesus got beat and hung in his place.
maybe the story was a bit roman-cized to account for the gory death, but its still in there.
so. the moral of the story is.
don't talk unless you're edjumacated about the topic at hand.

speaking of which.
getting a ph D to me now seems plausible.
all you need is time and money and a bit of drive. (and of course somebody who will back you, which probably falls into the "who you know" category)
i'm not saying i'm going to get a ph D, alls i'm sayin is that its feasible. more feasible than i thought.
even a dumbass with some motivation could concievably do it.
you just have to have the confidence.
unfortunately, i seem to be lacking that.
its probably tied in with social skills.
more confident the more BS you can produce.
but then that would break my rule of talking when you don't know dick about the subject.
fuck. dug my own hole....


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