
i cant sleep.
every week i seem to get behind.
well, i know why.
i play catch up during the week and i only make it so far.
then when the weekend comes its devoted mainly to work, with a bit of playtime in between.
with this playtime comes no relax time, where i could theoretically get all this reading and whatnot done.
luckily this coming week i dont work during the weekends, so hopefully i'll take advantage of at least some of the time.

po is adament about cleaning the house on the weekend, and not after work or school or whatever.
i guess lucky for me i wont be around for that, but.
you get home at say 6, 630, thats a good 6 hrs before you go to bed, (of course thats grossly conservative).
but why the hell would you rather spend a weekend, where you could do ones favorite pasttime of ass-sitting,
cleaning up after a mess that will only re-emerge in a day or two because only during cleaning do you know where the garbage or sink is?
it makes no sense to me.
because unlike some people, i would be willing to put a group effort into getting this house clean.
i just dislike having to clean up after everyone else's mess time and time again for the ineptitudes stated above.
i guess it just comes down to whatever your mother taught you.
i was always told to at least take the dishes to the sink when done.
i guess this explains my ill-will toward washing dishes yet my innate ability to find the sink.

i wonder what it would be like to live with someone with a fairly similar cycle of cleanliness as mine.
e.g. i clean when i have time and shit is dirty.
but somehow i find more time in my loaded schedule.
when was the last time i had a full day off? .....when did school start?


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