
heard the stupidest shit on TV yesterday.
i rarely watch, but when i'm over at my parents, it's an exception.
anyway. that new show with damon wayans.
wife and kids, or some shit.
they be talkin about brazilian samba, and go to get dance lessons.
then damon busts out with some spanish.
um, dude... brazilians speak portuguese, thanks.
also, he talks about his wifes culo. thats ass.
...in english. shit that you'd get detention for in spanish class.
the next show that was on, george something, with a hispanic dude.
he used nalgas.
just thought it was funny.
yeah, so im retarded.

speaking of my retardedness.
last night i went to my old totem lake fred meyer with meg.
we step out and this dude busts outta the store with a blue box under his arm.
its right outside of the shoe dept, so i think he just jacked some shoes.
either way i coulda gotten his plates but was too retarded to think about that even though i knew he was stealing shit.
i head inside and tell janis, whos been there since back in my day (a very nice but slow woman) who informs me that it was actually a playstation II that he jacked.
way to be, but i woulda still liked to have gotten his plates.

seeing as how the last time with my run-in with lawbreakers didnt turn out so well for me.

the security guy at lake city fred meyer follows this dude out of the store and gets on the PA and asks for a frieght check to the front doors. meaning any and all help to get yo ass out there to help with the thief. anyway. for some reason, i'm the ONLY one who hears this. so i head out and find that hes got the dude up against a mailbox.
i ask, is there anything i can do?
he sizes me up, reaches for his phone, and gets back on the PA.
yeah, thanks.
i already knew i was small.


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