
im in mid-read of wanks fatty march 6th post.
heaven and hell.
gotta agree with the guy on the first part.
its all this poetic shit that wrenches at feelings.
at first the bible is all about fear. god will kick you down, let you burn in hell if you defy him.
that was old testes style. now in the new, wars are subsiding, people have their land, so its all about peace and love toward your neighbor.
so it teaches all that, and then at the end BOOOOOOM!!!! fire and brimstone!!!
watch out mother fuckers cuz if you dont do this nice shit then you'll be tossed into the eternal lake of fire and burn with all the other heretics!!!

but. as for the second part.
hell being underground? ive never heard that.
and ive had extensive training.
for one. each time he appears, its just that. an appearance... as far as anyone can tell.
and i know the bible is full of parables, but if you look at two other stories, you got:
the rich fat fuck that wouldnt give up some of his wealth for a dying old geezer.
both eat shit and die, and the fat fuck can look at how good the skinny man has it, from his cozy spot in HELL.
job. as in the dude. not the work.
god talks to lucifer pretty much like hes right there next to him.
ok. so you say. semantics. bleh.
and i agree.
cuz when you take a look through the whole bible, you find some dissimilarities.
spots where people fuck up and counteract something else sed in the bible.
im trying to think of some, but i'm at a loss right now.
but i used to listen to sermons back in the day and find a few.
that shits all up in there (my head), but it just has to be kindled to be accessed, ya know?

like yesterday in anthro.
teacher man was talkin about spear-chucking devices,
and outta no where i blurt atlatl.
thats their name.
it was really weird. cuz i wasnt even really thinking about it.
it just triggered something.
im sure you've all done that.


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