
i think i love you,
but what am i so afraid of?
a love there is no cure for...

i randomly got serenaded tonight.
..of the likes that i was only thought possible by matt and B.
this chic just comes up and busts into tune.

it was kinda funny, but still made me blush.
the weird thing was that she was with her boyfriend. or brother maybe, who knows.
i thought it was hilarious.
was there some connection between us i missed?
and as she left it was with a,
goodbye sweetheart....

thats a definate perk about my job...
getting to meet so many different types of people.

speaking of which.
i had two of my regulars today.
the ones that i know small tidbits about their life and we can chat about that.
the first being that one couple that chose me over that other chic.
(which is odd, cuz im starting to be-friend that chic)
but anyway. i commented on his wifes absence.
which lead to eventually him asking.
are you married? good.
cuz getting married is like getting a mother all over again.

yeh. his wife does seem to be the dominant one in that pair.
i think hes happy with her though.

the other guy is this dude that ALWAYS, ALWAYS buys two bottles of sherry with any of his other purchases.
hes got shoulder-length grayish-yellow hair and always reeks of smoke.
but i think our little bond started ever since he came through my line the day of the whole NY thing.
we was actually crying to me about how sad and senseless it was.
whether he was drunk or not. i dunno.
but we've had shit to talk about ever since then, and its one of those things where he actually gets a true smile, rather than just a forced one, when he gets into my line.
its like i hurry and get through all the other fuckers, who are just another order to me, so i can have my 5 min chat with this guy.
theres nothing special about him. its an odd connection. i guess some people are just more friendly than others. or can relate somehow......

my peeps.....


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