
i called ashleigh out on a lie she told me back when shit blew up at pimps and hos.
yeah. its been a while, but shit was that a pivotal point in our relationship.. at least to me..
so i saw maegan online today and she was trying to bitch me the fuck out....
why do i even bother again?
im tired of it.

po lea and i got that fatty chest outta ryans old room. that bitch didnt wanna go.
we had to take so much shit apart.
it wouldnt go everytime we thought we'd found the last hold up...
but its out.
ashley called while they po and lea were stuck in there with the chest in the doorway.
seemed kinda funny that i couldnt get leas phone in there so she could talk to her....

saw ashley and leas place.
oh MY GoD. words do not describe (they tried), but you have to see this shit for yourself.
thanks guys for letting me run around exploring with you.
thats some crazy shit.
sound travels really well when theres no walls to inhibit it ;)

im just waiting to see how theyre going to turn that place around.
they seem motivated enough.

shit. i wish i didnt have to work so late.
i have a feeling i'll miss a lot tonight.
oh well.
just remember the time and a half.
working monday too. but also holiday pay.
bah... is it worth it?

im fearing maegans wrath.
shes pissed at me for what i did to ashleigh (?)
yet shes nice and happy and invitive when it comes to her having a soccer game over at UW next week.


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