
my bad ryan, for using your computer.
i'd like to think that i'd extend the same courteousy if positions were switched.
(of course you dont know, but thats not the matter)

the difference between me and manuel is motivation.
the fuckers out there with willing body to fuck around with my car.
(did a nice job to boot)
i didnt work the two days after the accident, and had the intent on looking at the car.
but i didnt until i brought it by his place.

i probably wouldnt have known what i was doing anyway.... but still.

that ass probably got a haircut before me too.
(shit. i didnt notice, but suspect it to be true.)

hes gun(g)-ho with his convictions.
jesus. hes fucking moving to ballard!
a made up mind..... its a good thing.

im still jackassing with comm college, and i still havent registered!
tomorrow... sure.... yeh, whatever.... tomorrow...

thanx for fucking with my car.
but i cant believe i stupidly stumbled onto the solution to the insanity of the beligerantly blinking red light.
i pulled all the shit out from under the passenger seat, and i noticed that this plug was just sitting there.
manuel fucked around with it. plugged it back in, and all was peaceful. ahhhhhhhhhh.
i guess all the shit in my car was thrusted forward and knocked that bitch apart.
who'da thunk that would happen.
you dont know how long he fucked around with the seatbelt itself..

but thanx man.
you got my back.
now somehow, miraculously get a damn car of your own.

thanx for all the help, gaf.

go to fuckin chi(n)cago, ass.


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